Money Follows the Person

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Quality Management Under Money Follows the Person: Summary Notes - July 29-31, 2007, Portland, Maine

In July 2007, NASHP convened grantees from 10 states and CMS to share their experiences in promoting positive outcomes under Money Follows the Person. To aid in this discussion, the Muskie School of Public Service was invited to facilitate the conversation and to provide a framework for discussing the role of quality management under the MFP initiatives. For the past three years, the Muskie School served as technical resource to states in the implementation of CMS quality improvement grants.

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State Perspectives on Emerging Medicaid Long-Term Care Policies and Practices

The purpose of this survey analysis is to provide states with an overview of the implementation of these DRA changes across the country, specifically in terms of Long-Term Care services and the steps the states have taken. Findings address eligibility, Children with Disabilities, Money Follows the Person, HCBS State Plan Amendments, Transition from Institutions, Managed Care, SPA for Personal Care Services, Cash & Counseling, Care Coordination, Disease Management and Long-Term Care Reform.

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Funding and Service Recommendations for Transitioning Older Adults: An Examination of Illinois’ Money Management Participants

This report from the Illinois RCSC Rebalancing Grant, quantifies the actual expenses faced by older residents living in the community and applies it to those living in a nursing home seeking reintegration to community living. Furthermore, it hopes to identify a floor of income required to sustain community residency. The analysis should be helpful in formulating system changes for programs including eligibility standards and policies.

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State Policy in Practice: A Medicaid Primer for Housing Officials

The most striking characteristic of housing and health care in this country is the disconnection between the two. Access to affordable, accessible housing is critical to the success of the Money Follows the Person Demonstration Program, which will provide opportunities for thousands of Medicaid beneficiaries living in institutions to relocate to the community. Presented in a concise question and answer format, this document explains many of the features of what can be a complicated program.

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Nursing Home Diversion Modernization Grants Program – Press Release

HHS announced an $8.8 million investment to help states provide more affordable choices to individuals struggling to remain in their homes and communities as they age. A total of $5.7 million in federal funding was awarded to 12 states for grants for this nursing home diversion program that will improve state efforts to assist individuals avoid unnecessary nursing home placement, impoverishment and spend-down to Medicaid.

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Medicaid Long Term Care Expenditures FY 2006

This memorandum presents data on Medicaid long-term care expenditures in Federal Fiscal Year 2006 (Oct 2005-Sept 2006). Table 1 presents national data on Medicaid expenditures for Long-Term Care from 1994-2006. Other tables present state-by-state data for Nursing Homes, ICF/MR, Personal Care, HCBS Waivers, Home Health, Home Care, Inpatient Hospital Care, Inpatient DSH, Inpatient Mental Health, Mental Health DSH, Medicaid Managed-Care, Prescribed Drugs, Targeted Case Management and PACE.

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The Minimum Data Set: Recommendations to Help States Better Support Nursing Home Residents Who Seek Community Living

This Discussion paper summarizes the background and recommendations for potential changes to make the Minimum Data Set and related policies and practices more useful to states for identifying and supporting nursing home residents who wish to return to their homes and communities. Section Q of the MDS has, for some years, been discussed at state and national conferences, training sessions, on conference calls, during technical assistance visits, and in talks among state Medicaid staff.

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Money Follows the Person Toolbox: Services for Individuals with Developmental Disabilities

This targeted Tools Update/Addendum is intended to compile information about states' efforts to transition individuals with Mental Retardation or Developmental Disabilities (MR/DD) from Medicaid funded facilities into the community and to provide support services to these individuals using techniques compatible with the Money Follows the Person (MFP) Demonstration program that has been created by the Deficit Reduction Act.

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Community Integration Nursing Facility In-Reach Project

This brief piece explains the steps involved in the transition process in Nevada including the services and supports available and the agency that provides referral for those seeking transition from an institutional setting. The goal of the project was to divert people from institutionalization and/or transition people from institutional care into a less restrictive environment.

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Money Follows the Person - Getting It Done in Nevada

The purpose of this report is to provide recommended actions steps for the state of Nevada to establish structural, programmatic and funding mechanisms to facilitate a balance in resources for people with disabilities moving from institutions to community living. The primary principle of Money Follows the Person is simple and straightforward - people with disabilities should be able to decide where and how their services and supports should be provided.

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