Medicaid Buy-In

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KFF Releases New Report on Medicaid and CHIP Enrollment

KFF released a new report that shares a range of strategies states are using as they prepare to resume Medicaid disenrollment. The twenty-first annual KFF survey of state Medicaid Health Insurance (CHIP) Programs officials found that many states are using an array of strategies to promote continuity of coverage. The report shares findings from all states on their strategies to promote continuous coverage.

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MACPAC's March 2023 Report to Congress on Medicaid and CHIP

On Wednesday, March 15, 2023, MACPAC released it's March 2023 Report to Congress on Medicaid and CHIP. The report recommends a series of measures aimed at improving the collection of race and ethnicity data, increasing transparency in nursing facility payment data, and giving states greater flexibility in following Medicare drug coverage decisions. It also includers MACPAC's annual, statutorily required report examining payment policy for safety net hospitals.

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KFF's Analysis on Medicaid Enrollment Growth

KFF’s analysis released March 2, 2023, “Medicaid Enrollment Growth: Estimates by State and Eligibility Group Show Who may be at Risk as Continuous Enrollment Ends”, presents findings from the organization’s evaluation of Medicaid and Children’s Health Insurance Program (CHIP) enrollment data. KFF estimates nearly 95 million people enrolled in Medicaid and CHIP in March 2023 – an increase of 23.3 million enrollees with over half of the enrollee increase among adults under age 65 and nearly one-third among children. Also, five states – California, New York, Texas, Florida, and Illinois – comprise over one-third of the increase in Medicaid and CHIP enrollment while the rate of growth in enrollment varies among states.

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FAQs on Health Spending, the Federal Budget, and Budget Enforcement Tools

On March 1, 2023 KFF released a brief titled “FAQs on Health Spending, the Federal Budget, and Budget Enforcement Tools”. The brief reviews basic questions about health spending and the federal budget and budget enforcement tools, including the debt limit and sequestration. As discussions on the federal deficit and debt continue, the KFF resource provides an explanation of federal spending for domestic and global health programs and services.

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Fact Sheet: Unwinding Medicaid Continuous Coverage Protections- What Advocates for Older Adults Need to Know

On Monday, February 13, 2023, Justice in Aging released a fact sheet on what advocates can do to ensure that dually eligible older adults can do to avoid disruptions in care when Medicaid public health emergency flexibilities end. The sheet provides further information on the “unwinding” process and state partners to address specific challenges that face the dually eligible population.

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Understanding Medicaid Buy-in: A Tool to Advance Employment for People with Disabilities

ACL, CMS, and the Department of Labor’s Office of Disability Employment Policy (ODEP) have released a Q&A document to help grantees, stakeholders, and self-advocates better understand the Medicaid buy-in program. The Medicaid buy-in program includes Medicaid eligibility groups that serve workers with disabilities who are earning income and whom states may charge premiums as a condition of Medicaid eligibility.

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Enrollment, Employment, and Earnings in the Medicaid Buy-In Program, 2011

This is one in a series of annual reports on participation in the Medicaid Buy-In program. It provides updates on both national- and state-level trends in enrollment, employment, and earnings among the 35 reporting Medicaid Infrastructure Grant (MIG) states with a Buy-In program in 2011. Additionally, it addresses recent changes to state program rules and policies, and identifies factors that have affected recent Buy-In program enrollment, as reported by the states in an annual questionnaire.

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