Affordable Care Act (ACA)

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Medicare Advantage 2015 Spotlight: Enrollment Market Update

The Henry J. Kaiser Family Foundation released an issue brief reviewing the national and state-level Medicaid Advantage enrollment trends as of March 2015. It was believed that the reductions in payments to Medicare Advantage plans would reduce enrollments, but it has actually increased by 5.6 million. One key finding showed that "Almost one in three (31%) of people on Medicare (16.8 million beneficiaries) were enrolled in a Medicare Advantage plan in March 2015."

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Oral Health and Primary Care

The U.S. Department of Health and Human Services report and the white paper commissioned by the National Interprofessional Initiative on Oral Health both examine the wide disparities in oral health due to lack of access. The U.S. fails to provide proper access for ongoing and preventative oral health care needs. A push must be made to integrate dental care as a component of primary care. There is also a focus on the impact and burden of oral diseases and their effect on quality of life.

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Monitoring the Impact of Health Reform on Americans Ages 50-64: Uninsured Rate Dropped 31 Percent Since December 2013

Research from the AARP Public Policy Institute/Urban Institute shows the uninsured rates for 50- to 64- year-olds dropped 31% between December 2013 and December 2014. In states that expanded their Medicaid programs, the drops were greater. The analysis uses preliminary data from the second open enrollment period of the Affordable Care Act.

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Building the Business Case: Community Organizations Responding to the Changing Healthcare Environment for Aging Populations

Healthcare providers, payers, and CBOs have historically operated as separate care delivery systems in which the responsibility for communicating and sharing information among providers has been on the client. A follow up to N3C's symposium at the 2014 ASA's Aging in America conference, this brief presents insights and actionable approaches that attempt to close the gap between fragmented and patient-centered care to evolve with the market and better provide for our communities.

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Expanding Specialized Transportation: New Opportunities under the Affordable Care Act

The Affordable Care Act (ACA) provides new but limited opportunities to promote or fund specialized transportation services for older people and adults with disabilities. This paper explains how states can use these largely untapped options to expand services for targeted low-income populations with mobility needs. It also presents two case studies illustrating how the Atlanta region and the state of Connecticut are making this work.

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Improving Employment Outcomes for People with Psychiatric Disorders and Other Disabilities

To answer questions on what services and barriers people with psychiatric disorders face, the authors conducted two targeted literature reviews: (1) employment programs and outcomes for people with psychiatric disorders; and (2) employment programs for people with other disabilities. The authors also examined literature and policy documents that outlined funding options for employment services for people with psychiatric disorders and other disabilities.

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Benefits and Cost-Sharing for Working People with Disabilities in Medicaid and the Marketplace

Access to affordable health insurance is essential to the ability of people with disabilities to seek and maintain employment. As their income fluctuates, people may migrate between Medicaid and Marketplace coverage, and they may face changes in their benefits and out-of-pocket responsibilities as a consequence. This issue brief uses hypothetical examples of working people with disabilities to illustrate the experiences they might have with Medicaid and Marketplace coverage in four states.

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The Coverage Gap: Uninsured Poor Adults in States that Do Not Expand Medicaid – An Update

This report provides statistics and information about uninsured individuals in the Medicaid coverage gap. The Medicaid gap is a term used to describe uninsured individuals who do not have enough income to qualify for ACA subsidies and who live in a state that has elected not to expand their Medicaid program. According to the Kaiser report, approximately four million individuals are in the Medicaid gap across the country. Of the uninsured individuals, 17% are in the 55-64 age range.

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Analysis of President’s Fiscal Year 2012 Budget

This analysis of the President’s $3.73 trillion proposed budget for FY12 includes an outline of each funding recommendation for discretionary, appropriated programs. Included in the analysis is a comparison of HR1, the GOP-backed budget resolution that reduces spending via broad cuts, with the President’s proposed budget; a good indicator of what sorts of budgetary windows may be necessary for bipartisan support and how the budget may affect the fiscal health of aging and disabilities programs.

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