Physical Disabilities

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RFP for a qualified contractor(s) to complete the National State Profile Tool for Minnesota’s long-term system

The Minnesota Department of Human Services, through its Continuing Care Administration, is seeking Proposals from qualified Responders to work with DHS staff and key stakeholders to complete a State Long-Term Care Profile. A State Profile tool was developed by Thomson Medstat under contract with CMS. The Profile must describe the state’s long-term care delivery system for 7 population groups that account for the majority of people who need hcbs in MN. Proposals are due January 28, 2008.

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Funding Sources Successfully Used by States to Support Development of Integrated, Affordable, and Accessible Community Housing

This guide offers a quick reference on housing resources that can be used to create integrated, affordable, and accessible housing and basic information on how to use these resources. Including community strategies that increase the amount of integrated, affordable, and accessible housing units that usually fall into three general categories: development of housing units; access to existing housing units; and asset development.

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Evaluation of the Ticket to Work Program: Assessment of Post-Rollout Implementation and Early Impacts, Volume 1

This report examines experiences of Beneficiaries, State Vocational Rehabilitation Agencies (VR), Employment Networks (ENs), and the Social Security Administration (SSA) during the TTW rollout period from 2002–2004. Overall, Mathematica found that the Ticket to Work Program did not have a significant impact on the way VR does business or on the practices of ENs in the community. TTW did, however, begin a fundamental shift within SSA toward focusing on improving the earnings of beneficiaries.

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Georgia Aging and Disability Resource Connection Expansion Evaluation

This report describes the process evaluation findings related to ADRC implementation approaches in three expansion sites, presents an initial evaluation of the role and functioning of the ADRC Coalition, and describes the formation of the collaboration between the AAA and the Regional Offices of MHDDAD. A framework includes benchmarks for successful collaboration development, and program logic modeling is discussed as an evaluation framework to guide future process and outcome evaluations.

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Michigan Freedom to Work Outreach Materials

See a variety of resources on assistance to people with disabilities in Michigan. Included are the Freedom to Work brochure, a Persons with Disabilities and Prescription Drug Coverage fact sheet, the Work Incentives Planning and Assistance brochure, Outreach Materials contact information, an on-line resources sheet, and a copy of the Michigan Freedom to Work for Individuals with Disabilities Law. A link to the Michigan Freedom to Work Website is provided.

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It Doesn’t Take a Rocket Scientist to Understand & Use Social Security Work Incentives: A Manual for Social Security Work Incentives Training

This training manual provides a basic overview of Work Incentives and their parent programs. Title II Work Incentive Programs, such as Trail Work Period and Extended Period Eligibility, are discussed. Additionally, Title XVI Work Incentives, such as Blind Work Incentives and Plans for Achieving Self Support, are explained.

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Medicare Part D Survey of MaineCare Workers with Disabilities Dual Eligibles: Experience Before and During Transition

In 2006, Maine’s Medicaid Infrastructure Grant was awarded funds to provide outreach about Medicare’s new prescription drug coverage to MaineCare Workers with Disabilities Option dual eligible members. Methods for raising awareness and education about the transition to Medicare Part D were implemented. To identify the usefulness of outreach efforts and to learn about experiences with transitioning prescription drug coverage, a telephone survey was conducted. A report highlights the findings.

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Increasing Opportunities for Workers with Disabilities in Maine

The CHOICES CEO (Comprehensive Employment Opportunities) online newsletter, Working Together, focuses on Maine’s efforts to increase work opportunities for people with disabilities. Additionally, a brochure on MaineCare, a health insurance program for people with disabilities in Maine, includes information on benefits, qualifications, and local resources for the MaineCare option.

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Strategic Plan to Maximize Employment for People with Disabilities - Maine

The Maine Department of Health and Human Services and Department of Labor worked with a coalition from public and private sectors to recommend steps to support people with disabilities who work, or who wish to work. The full and abridged reports identify information on resources, opportunities, and short- and long-term activities to increase the number of workers with disabilities. Additionally, key findings for the MaineCare Workers with Disabilities Option are available in the Reader’s Guide.

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University of Connecticut - Center for Excellence in Disabilities Website

Established in 1985, the goal of this Center is to develop, implement, and disseminate a coordinated group of applied research, demonstration and training projects directed at meeting the needs of persons with disabilities and their families in community based settings. Visit the website which provides an overview of their Projects, News & Events, Publications (Early Childhood, School Age and Life Span), Early Intervention Specialist Program Trainings and many other resources.

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