Physical Disabilities

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Coverage for Consumers, Savings for States: Options for Modernizing Medicaid

Explore Medicaid expansion under health care reform and savings for states through Medicaid “modernization.” This report examines three broad categories of savings opportunities including the greater use of coordinated care techniques, the greater use of managed care for LTC, and the upgrading of Medicaid’s administrative processes. Find national and state-specific projections of increases in Medicaid enrollees as a result of health reform legislation and of the associated Medicaid costs.

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The West Virginia Long Term Care Partnership – Website and Summit Proceedings

Explore this collaborative initiative geared towards propelling state progress in the support of a more “successful and financially secure aging experience.” The West Virginia Long Term Care Partnership seeks to bring together varied efforts to create an integrated network of thought and action, with an emphasis on collaboration and communication. Also included is a link to the proceedings of their 2010 Partner Summit, through which you can access the presentations and handouts.

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Systems of Care: Environmental Scan of Medicaid-Funded Long-Term Supports and Services

Learn about the status of the public LTC delivery system, and opportunities and obstacles for LTSS reform and rebalancing. The study surveys states’ current HCBS expenditures and utilization, analyzes factors underpinning Medicaid’s institutional bias, looks at federal and state initiatives to improve the ratio between institutional and community-based care, and points to statutory and regulatory “fixes” that could enhance the states’ ability to improve their LTC delivery systems.

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Diversifying Your Workforce

Looking for a reference guide for recruiting, hiring, & retaining employees with disabilities? This is a quick reference guide geared towards employers outlining the advantages of hiring people with disabilities, along with four simple steps towards increasing their inclusiveness in the workforce. With numerous resources and Web links, this is a helpful tool for organizations looking to benefit from the talents of qualified individuals with disabilities.

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Corporate Job Development Training – Indiana

How are state MIG programs reaching out to the business community? The state of Indiana created a training curriculum to help promote the hiring of people with disabilities. The attached samples include business outreach models currently offered by companies, the LOWE’S “Building A New Future” project, disability awareness training for Walgreens, business development of rural providers, a form template for worksite analysis, and coaching and natural support ideas training.

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Medicaid-Funded Long-Term Care: Toward More Home-and Community-Based Options – Policy Brief

Many obstacles impede states from rebalancing their long-term supports and services (LTSS) programs toward greater emphasis on HCBS alternatives. This brief outlines policy recommendations for reforming the Medicaid-funded LTSS system to support more cost-effective and consumer-oriented long-term care options. The authors discuss the current LTC environment, barriers and promising solutions to rebalancing LTSS, and policy recommendations for improving the Medicaid LTSS system.

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Medicaid-Funded Long-Term Supports and Services: Snapshots of Innovation

Explore innovative initiatives from across the nation offering alternatives for reforming the delivery of Medicaid-funded long-term care. This report includes both innovations that have been implemented as well as promising practices. Innovations included cover provider-focused initiatives, new directions for managed long-term care, administrative and financing solutions; and emerging telehealth technologies.

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The Classic Measure of Disability in Activities of Daily Living Is Biased ...

Policy makers desire a uniform assessment tool that works well for adults of all ages, but disability assessment can only be as uniform as the underlying measurement is. If ADL or IADL/ADL measures are biased by age, their use with adults of different ages could be misleading. Findings of this study indicate that as demand for community services increases among adults of all ages, an expanded IADL/ADL measure is more useful than ADL.

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