Physical Disabilities

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How Healthcare Reform Strengthens Medicaid's Role in Ending and Preventing Homelessness: The Medicaid Eligibility Expansion

In March 2010, President Obama signed into law the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act (PPACA). This historic piece of legislation presents significant opportunities to improve access to quality, affordable health care for all Americans. This is particularly true for homeless people and people at risk of homelessness, whose options for accessing physical and behavioral health care services, health promotion services, and chronic disease management programs have historically been limited.

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A Government Performance and Results Act (GPRA) Report: The Status of the Medicaid Infrastructure Grants Program as of 12/31/09

Are MIGs assisting individuals with disabilities to become employed? This report shows the continued impact of MIG funding in 2009. One of the most visible activities has been the development of state Medicaid Buy-In programs, under which workers with significant disabilities can “buy in” to Medicaid coverage when their earnings would otherwise make them ineligible. This report updates trends in the enrollment, employment, and earnings of participants.

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The Center for Medicare and Medicaid Innovation Website

“The Innovation Center” is a new engine for revitalizing and sustaining the Medicare, Medicaid and CHIP programs and ultimately to help to improve the healthcare system for all Americans. The Center, established by the Affordable Care Act, was given the flexibility and resources to rapidly test innovative care and payment models and scale up successful models. Visit the website to read about new initiatives such as Partnership for Patients. There is also an area to share your own ideas.

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Working with Disabilities Articles - Arkansas

How is the state of Arkansas educating its consumers with disabilities and employers on important issues such as how to maintain your health benefits and work and why employing individuals with disabilities is a smart business choice? Attached are two examples of articles in the state that provide information. This entry serves as a good example for other states wanting to enhance their MIG outreach materials.

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Arizona Employment and Disability Partnership Final Report

The state of Arizona hosted online discussion groups in order to get feedback from community rehabilitation and employment services providers on their Employment Development Project. The overriding purpose of the online discussions was to garner insights into how service providers view the EN program, the perceived organizational value of adopting or integrating the EN business model into existing business practices, and barriers to EN program implementation. For the results explore this report.

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Project SEARCH - Alaska

The Project SEARCH High School Transition Program is a unique, business led, one year school-to-work program that takes place entirely at the workplace. Total workplace immersion facilitates a seamless combination of classroom instruction, career exploration, and on-the-job training and support through internships or worksite rotations. The goal for each student participant is competitive employment. The state of Alaska has adopted this model for student interns with developmental disabilities.

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Personal Assistance Services at the Workplace - Alabama

The use of PAS as a workplace support is a relatively new innovation. Because of its newness, many persons with disabilities and employers tend to get confused about how workplace PAS is different from more standard personal assistance services or personal attendant care. The most important distinctions between PAS and Workplace PAS are related to where the services are provided and for what purpose. To learn more, explore the attached project report, brochure, and websites.

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MIG Outreach Materials - Alabama

How is the state of Alabama reaching out to consumers and employers with important information regarding help for persons with disabilities who want to work or return to work? To find out, explore several examples of state-wide outreach: two newsletters put out by "BamaWorks", Alabama's MIG program, a brochure, and a website. May be replicable by other states seeking to provide outreach for their own MIG programs.

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Training Needs Assessment Report: Paths to Employment Resource Center - Wisconsin

This needs assessment is one example of how the state of Wisconsin is working to achieve the goals of the Medicaid Infrastructure Grant and to strengthen its employment infrastructure for residents with disabilities. Within this report find input from consumers, employment service providers, advocacy groups, and other stakeholders as well as recommendations for for emerging training needs in order to best serve those involved in the community rehabilitation process.

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States and the Affordable Care Act: More Funding, More Flexibility

To date, the ACA has provided or offered $2.8 billion in funding to states. This includes funding for long-term care and health workforce needs. This report, released by the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, highlights the flexibility and resources provided by the Affordable Care Act (ACA) to improve health care benefits and protect consumers.

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