Physical Disabilities

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Participant-Directed Respite Guidebook

This resource for programs includes State Lifespan Respite Programs, that provide respite and are interested in developing & implementing participant-directed respite, especially through voucher programs. Included are: overview materials that provide content information regarding participant direction, examples from two states that currently implement participant-directed respite programs using a voucher system, important tax and financial information, & resources for additional materials.

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Post-Institutional Services of MFP Participants: Use and Costs of Community Services and Supports

The Money Follows the Person (MFP) Demonstration supports state efforts to help Medicaid beneficiaries living in long-term care facilities transition back to community-based residences and to make community-based long-term care services and supports more accessible. This report uses aggregate data from annual financial reports and service claims records submitted by grantees to examine the costs and types of community-based services received by participants in the MFP program.

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Volunteer Respite Manual: Creating Valuable Options for Family Caregivers

This manual is meant to help community-based programs assess their individual needs, plan & implement volunteer respite programs and assist state Lifespan Respite programs as they address the requirements in the Lifespan Respite Care Act to build respite capacity through volunteer training & recruitment. Review text boxes throughout the document with resources for reading further, highlights of National Volunteer Respite Initiatives plus examples of local volunteer respite programs.

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Using Braided Funding Strategies to Advance Employer Hiring Initiatives that Include People with Disabilities

State and local disability employment services are operated by a number of different public & nonprofit agencies. Organizations find it necessary to access funds from more than one program, agency, or funding stream. As a result, many program administrators & staff face the challenge of developing strategies to braid disability employment funding. This report profiles four programs that have implemented braided funding strategies to support hiring initiatives with employer partners.

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Using Medicaid Funding to Support the Employment of People with Disabilities: A Federal Framework

State Medicaid agencies fund supports & services for individuals with disabilities. As national public policy recognizes & emphasizes the ability of individuals with disabilities to work, states are integrating employment supports into the continuum of long-term care in Medicaid. This brief discusses federal legislative & regulatory framework for funding employment supports in Medicaid, highlights examples of state innovations & best practices to promote positive employment outcomes.

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People with Disabilities and Medicaid Managed Care: Key Issues to Consider

A growing number of beneficiaries with disabilities are being enrolled in risk-based managed care arrangements. Further growth in managed care is expected in 2014, when the Affordable Care Act expands Medicaid eligibility to many uninsured low-income adults, including those with disabilities. This issue brief looks at issues related to the development and implementation of managed care programs with the capacity to serve Medicaid beneficiaries with disabilities.

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Service Providers’ Experiences Under the Revised Ticket to Work Regulations

In 2008, Congress revised the regulations for Ticket to Work, a federal program created to improve incentives and supports for people who receive disability benefits to seek employment. This issue brief discusses how Ticket to Work participation by service providers and beneficiaries has changed under the revised regulations. It also describes providers' early experiences with these regulations.

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The Senior Disconnect: Millions are Losing Billions in Benefits

One priority for an aging America is to enable older adults to live independently in their homes and communities. For those with limited income or resources, benefits can be a critical resource to receive support and avoid institutionalization. Many miss out on benefits due to lack of awareness, perceived complexity of applications, stigma, & misunderstanding eligibility. The You Gave, Now Save campaign connects eligibles with free & low-cost resources: BenefitsCheckUp & the Eldercare Locator.

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National Core Indicators Website

NCI is a voluntary effort by public developmental disabilities agencies to measure and track their own performance. The core indicators are standard measures used across states to assess the outcomes of services provided to individuals and families. Indicators address key areas of concern including employment, rights, service planning, community inclusion, choice, and health and safety.

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