Physical Disabilities

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Travel Behavior and Mobility of Transportation-Disadvantaged Populations: Evidence from the National Household Travel Survey

Using data from the National Household Travel Survey, the Small Urban and Rural Transit Center has released a report that examines the travel behavior and mobility of older adults, people with disabilities, individuals in low-income households, and people in rural areas. NHTS data on driving, mode choice, use of public transportation, and issues and concerns regarding transportation are highlighted.

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Leveling the Playing Field: Attracting, Engaging and Advancing People with Disabilities

This report looks at how employers are building competitive advantage through workplace practices that engage people with disabilities, including recent veterans and older workers. It finds that companies that employ people with disabilities reap numerous benefits. For instance, active recruiting and retention of employees with disabilities can both significantly expand the pool of talent and create new business opportunities.

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Administration for Community Living (ACL) Website

The ACL website brings together three agencies within the Department of Health and Human Services: Administration on Aging, Administration on Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities, and Office on Disability. The new website offers resources about programs, services and issues facing persons with disabilities, older adults, and family caregivers. Site features include current issues, assessable icons to learn about ACL programs and information spread to the disability and aging communities.

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Medicaid Eligibility and Enrollment for People With Disabilities Under the Affordable Care Act

This brief provides a short summary of Medicaid eligibility and benefits for people with disabilities today and explains how they will be affected by the ACA in light of CMS's new regulations. Provisions of the new Exchange regulations are discussed briefly to the extent that they related to Medicaid eligibility determinations for people with disabilities.

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Which Medicaid Buy-In Participants Use SSA Work Supports?

This issue brief revisits the use of SSA work supports among the nearly three-quarters of Buy-In Participants who also receive Social Security Disability Insurance (SSDI). To better understand who might benefit most from program outreach, this report explores variation in use rates by age, education, and disabling health condition. It also examines the relationship between work-support use, employment, and earnings.

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Employer Assistance & Resource Network Website

The Workforce Recruitment Program (WRP) is a recruitment and referral program for students and recent graduates with disabilities, including veterans. The program uses a database to connect federal and private sector employers nationwide with college students and recent graduates with disabilities who are seeking summer or permanent jobs. Private sector employers can also access the WRP through ODEP's national Employer Assistance and Resource Network (EARN).

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Quality Improvement Measurement of Outcomes for People with Disabilities

This review is part of a new series of reports, “Closing the Quality Gap: Revisiting the State of the Science.” The series provides a critical analysis of existing literature on quality improvement strategies and issues for topics identified by the 2003 Institute of Medicine report, “Priority Areas for National Action: Transforming Health Care Quality.” To continuously assess progress toward quality, AHRQ identified people with disabilities as a priority population in this report.

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Quality Improvement Measurement of Outcomes for People With Disabilities - Closing the Quality Gap: Revisiting the State of the Science

This report examines how health care outcomes for general medical care have been assessed for people with disabilities within the rubrics of care coordination and quality improvement. A total of 15,513 articles were screened; very few were direct examples of work conducted from the perspective of disability as a complicating condition. Capturing the disability perspective will require collaboration of measurement efforts across medical interventions, rehabilitation, and social support provision.

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Identifying Transition-Age Youth with Disabilities Using Existing Surveys

Using the International Classification of Functioning, Disability, and Health as a framework, this paper identifies definitions of disability for transition-age youth that can be used to compare and contrast statistics on the characteristics and outcomes of this population across different surveys.

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Emergency Evacuation Planning Guide For People with Disabilities

This guide addresses the emergency procedure needs of people with a disability. It provides evacuation tips and general information for those who have five categories of disabilities, including impairments in mobility, vision, hearing, speech, and cognition. It also includes a Personal Emergency Evacuation Planning Checklist that building services managers, families, and people with disabilities can use together to design a personalized evacuation plan.

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