Physical Disabilities

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Pennsylvania Community Choice ADRC Survey and Assessment Instrument

The Pennsylvania ADRC program has developed a number of measurement instruments including three surveys and an assessment instrument. This program is a joint effort between Pennsylvania’s Office of Health Care Reform as well as the Departments of Aging and Public Welfare. The products include a survey for eligible, ineligible and enrolled consumers and a community choice assessment instrument.

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Memorandum Of Understanding (MOU) Regarding Family Care Eligibility Determination And Enrollment- Wisconsin

The MOU is developed among the ADRC in Richland County, the Economic Support Services Unit (ESS), the enrollment consultant for WI Family Care program, and the Care Management Organization (CMO). The MOU is intended to help clarify the specific roles and responsibilities, ensure that the participating units understand the key elements of coordination and communication, and to facilitate their working in partnership to achieve quality outcomes for program consumers and the general public.

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State Policy in Practice....Oregon\'s Nurse Practice Policies for Home and Community-Based Living

This State Policy in Practice brief is the second in a series of reports on how states are addressing laws that regulate nursing practice to be more responsive to consumers’ preferences to live in their own communities. This brief focuses on Oregon’s policies for how nurses may collaborate with consumers in managing health maintenance activities.

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Ticket to Work: Inside Ticket Winter 2005 Newsletter

The Ticket to Work and Self-Sufficiency Program is an employment program for people with disabilities who are interested in going to work. The quarterly newsletter covers marketplace news, opportunities and experiences. This Winter 2005 issues details a new EN Promising Practices Anthology and spotlights a South Florida program. The Newsletter also has an events calendar and a list of Recently Approved Employment Network Providers.

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Assistive Technology Solutions in Minutes Book and Toolkit

A must have book for everyone and anyone who wants to learn low cost assistive technology (A.T.) solutions that can be constructed in five minutes or less. This book is filled with over 600 color photographs of innovative fabrication techniques for constructing A.T. solutions for home, school, work, and play. A companion 42 Piece A.T. Tools and Materials Kit is also available. Both items can be purchased at

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HUD Notice PIH 2005-5(HA)

On February 1, 2005, HUD issued a very important Notice PIH 2005-5(HA). The notice ties together Housing Vouchers, Olmstead, Waivers, the New Freedom Initiative, and the President's Exec.Order 13217, that \"promotes community-based alternatives, rather than institutional settings.\" Read what HUD has told your local Housing Authorities what they must do and is required for persons with disabilities regarding Housing Vouchers.

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The Policy Resource Center Brief: Employment and Disability

Gainful employment is entirely possible for people with disabilities and yet it remains outside the grasp for many who remain unemployed or grossly underemployed. Success in employment is caught in a vicious circle with the insufficiency of employment supports, health care coverage, education and training, and income potential. Further aggravating that cycle are barriers in transportation, child care, accessible and affordable housing.

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Introduction to Communication Boards Designed for the Transition Process

This guide was created as a resource to help you learn more about communication boards and how/when to use them. The boards in this kit were designed for a specific communication interaction, an intake interview to consider transition of an individual out of a nursing home. This handout provides a brief summary of the communication boards provided and some background information for you as you use the boards.

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Evaluation Report on The Institute on Disability/UCED Educational Series for Legislators

This report compiles both written and verbal evaluations of twenty New Hampshire legislators who attended the Supporting Older Adults and Individuals with Disabilities in Your Community: An Educational Series for Legislators. The series was developed as part of the Real Choice Systems Change initiative in New Hampshire. The purpose of this evaluation was to review what aspects of the Educational Series were beneficial and to recommend improvements for future sessions.

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New England ADA & Accessible IT Center Website and Newsletter

The New England ADA & Accessible IT Center is one of ten regional disability and business technical assistance centers funded by the National Institute on Disability and Rehabilitation Research (NIDRR). The Center is a project of Adaptive Environments, Inc., a nonprofit organization. The website offers Publications & Resources, Technical Assistance & Training, ADA Audio-Conferences and the Access New England Newsletter.

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