Aging/Older Adults

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Medicaid's Role for People with Dementia

The Kaiser Family Foundation published an issue brief of the role of Medicaid for People living with dementia. Individuals with dementia generally require a multitude of medical and behavioral health services. Medicare covers some services for this population but there are gaps where Medicaid may need to fill in for payment of long term services and supports (LTSS) for low-income people. This brief includes a fact sheet for explain the role of Medicaid for people with dementia.

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Medicaid Managed Care Enrollment 2013

The annual 2013 Medicaid Managed Care Enrollment Report created by the Division of Managed Care Plans and the Data and Systems Group in the Center for Medicaid and CHIP Services at CMS, with assistance from Mathematica Policy Research, was released this week. Data on Medicaid enrollment is collected from every state, territory, and the District of Columbia, and is broken down into categories by program, population, and state. The report provides tables with nationwide data and data by state.

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Medicaid Expenditures for Long Term Services and Supports in FY 2013

The annual Medicaid Long Term Services and Supports expenditure report for FY 2013 is now available. The report includes Medicaid expenditures for all LTSS, including institutional and non-institutional settings, by service category and state. This year’s report shows that home and community-based services composed a majority of LTSS spending. Additionally, it explains the changes, summarizes the data, and describes national trends. There is also an infographic depicting the data from 2013.

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Medicaid Enrollment & Spending Growth: FY 2015 & 2016

The Kaiser Commission on Medicaid and the Uninsured released a report that provides an overview of Medicaid enrollment and spending during state Fiscal Years (FY) 2015 and 2016. The results were gathered from interviews with state Medicaid directors as part of the 15th annual survey of Medicaid directors. Enrollment and spending significantly increased in Fiscal Year 2015, which was the first full year that the Affordable Care Act expansions were implemented.

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Design Principles for HCBS Case Mix: A Primer

This Primer is a design guide for state policy makers who are considering acuity-based resource allocation. Included in the report is: background information on different HCBS case mix approaches, the steps in the development of a case-mix resource allocation system, essential decision points to consider during the state policy development process, and best practice recommendations. This Primer is recommended as a tool for policy makers, state staff, and stakeholders.

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Engaging Providers in Integrated Care Programs for Medicare-Medicaid Enrollees: Tips for States

The Integrated Care Resource Center released a brief that offers tips for engaging providers in integrated care programs for Medicare-Medicaid enrollees. Integrated care programs are successful when a broad spectrum of providers are engaged in the process. This brief provides states with tips on how to engage physicians, hospitals, nursing facilities, and community-based service providers that serve Medicare and Medicaid enrollees.

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Celebrating 50 Years with 50+ Fabulous Older People

This year, the Older Americans Act (OAA) celebrates its 50th year—a golden jubilee for seniors and communities across the country. For this occasion, ADvancing States and Altarum Institute’s Center for Elder Care and Advanced Illness (CECAI) honor outstanding older adults who both volunteer for and benefit from the law’s programs. This booklet highlights the myriad ways that seniors make the United States a great place in which to live, work, and grow old. Email for a hard copy.

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