Aging/Older Adults

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nTIDE Jobs Report:Americans with disabilities outgaining others in labor market

The Bureau of Labor Statistics in collaboration with the Kessler Foundation and the University of New Hampshire's Institute on Disability published this month's National Trends on Disability Employment report (nTIDE). Each month this report is published to mark the changes of employment for people with disabilities.

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Promoting Community Living for Older Adults Who Need Long-term Services and Support

The Center for Policy and Evaluation, Administration for Community Living (ACL) published the policy brief “Promoting Community Living for Older Adults Who Need” in June, which marked the 17th anniversary of the Olmstead v. LC Supreme Court decision. The Olmstead decision has helped older adults and people with disabilities receive more integrated care; however, the policy brief outlines opportunities that states have to further improve their home and community-based services (HCBS).

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Medicaid & CHIP: April 2016 Monthly Applications, Eligibility Determinations, and Enrollment Report

The Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) released their monthly report for April 2016 on Medicaid and CHIP application, eligibility determination, and enrollment data. States provides data to CMS on factors related to key application, eligibility and enrollment processes using the Medicaid and CHIP Performance Indicator Project. The data is then used to inform CMS on the operations of the programs in each state and to share state performance data publicly.

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Key Consumer Provisions in the Dual Demonstrations: Findings from a Survey of ACAP Plans

The Association for Community Affiliated Plans (ACAP) and Community Catalyst released an issue brief regarding the Financial Alignment Demonstrations. This issue brief discusses key findings from research on the demonstrations and proposes recommendations in two areas: operational or practice changes for health plans and program adjustments for policymakers.

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Medicaid Long Term Services and Support Expenditures Data

CMS posted two new reports with Medicaid LTSS expenditures data. The first report focuses on the most recent data available and recent trends such as 1) an increase in LTSS provided in managed care programs and 2) increased used of newer Medicaid LTSS options authorized in the Deficit Reduction Act and the Affordable Care Act. The second report, “Improving the Balance,” uses data from FY1981 through FY2014 and documents the transition of Medicaid LTSS from institutional services to HCBS.

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Guidance and Resources for Long Term Care Facilities

The U.S. Department of Health and Human Services’ (HHS) Office for Civil Rights (OCR) issued new guidelines to assist long term care facilities in complying with regulations by the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) that require facilities which are Medicare and/or Medicaid-certified to ensure their residents receive services in the most integrated setting appropriate to their needs.

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2016 Annual Report of the Board of Trustees of the Federal Hospital Insurance and Federal Supplementary Medical Insurance Trust Funds

The Medicare Board of Trustees issued the 2016 report to Congress on the financial operations and actuarial status of the program. Medicare is the second-largest social insurance program in the U.S., with 55.3 million beneficiaries. The trustees projected that the Hospital Insurance Trust Fund will remain fully funded until 2028, 11 years longer than projected before the Affordable Care Act. Further analysis of expenditure growth overall and each part of the program is included in the report.

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The Changing Landscape of Aging and Disability Information and Referral/Assistance: 2015 Survey of Aging and Disability I&R/A Agencies

This report captures the current state of I&R/A service provision, including trends and developments, challenges and opportunities, and promising practices, through survey responses provided by representatives from state agencies on aging and disability, Area Agencies on Aging, Aging and Disability Resource Centers, Centers for Independent Living, non-profit human service organizations and national organizations.

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