Aging/Older Adults

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The Critical Programs that Keep Millions of Older Adults Out of Poverty

This fact sheet and issue brief explore how federal programs support older Americans. The focus is on four main areas, including health programs, economic security, housing and food, and legal assistance. These publications help explain how various federal programs can ideally work together to allow older Americans to meet their basic needs and maintain a high quality of life.

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Taking It to the Next Level: Using Innovative Strategies to Expand Options for Self-Direction

This report from AARP's Public Policy Institute is part of a series of papers focusing on innovative strategies. It explores the benefits of self-directed care and looks at best practices used in Texas, Iowa, Wisconsin, and Florida. The report also provides a toolkit for educational and training purposes to help states improve and expand upon their self-directed LTSS programs.

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The Growth of Managed Long-Term Services and Supports Programs: 2017 Update

CMS recently released a 2017 update to its 2012 MLTSS inventory, compiled by Truven Health Analytics. This study reviewed available information about the status of Medicaid MLTSS programs, and provides updates on the prevalence of MLTSS programs, total enrollment, and specific program design elements as of August 2017. The report surveys the landscape of MLTSS programs across the country, provides detailed summaries of each MLTSS program, and identifies national trends.

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A Healthy Smile Never Gets Old: A California Report on the Oral Health of Older Adults

This report from the Center for Oral Health highlights how an alarming number of Californians age 65 years and older are suffering from untreated tooth decay and poor oral health. This report includes a series of recommendations to eliminate barriers to care and improve oral health.

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MIPPA Resources

These resources are intended to be used for education and outreach to raise awareness about the availability of Medicare benefits for low-income beneficiaries, namely the Medicare Savings Programs (MSPs) and the Medicare Part D Low-Income Subsidy (LIS/Extra Help) program. These outreach materials include posters to educate Medicare beneficiaries with disabilities about the low-income subsidies.

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Brief and Interactive Map Examine Poverty Among Seniors in the U.S.

This brief and interactive map from the Kaiser Family Foundation provide the latest national and state-level estimates from the U.S. Census Bureau of the share of people ages 65 and older who are living in poverty. These resources explore the poverty rate among seniors under the official poverty measure and the Supplemental Poverty Measure.

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Demonstrating and Measuring Quality in the New Managed LTSS Paradigm

Demonstrating value through the quality of your AAA or CBO services can be an effective way to build and expand new business relationships. This presentation, part of n4a’s 2017 annual conference, focuses on the types of measures you can easily report on, and also how you can provide upstream benefits by impacting the measures that health plans must report on and be evaluated by.

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