Aging/Older Adults

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Disparities in Health Care in Medicare Advantage by Race, Ethnicity, and Sex

This report from CMS presents information on disparities in health care received by people using Medicare Advantage. The report looks at differences in quality of care based on race and ethnicity and sex as well as the intersections of race/ethnicity and sex. CMS uses data from the Consumer Assessment of Healthcare Providers and Systems and the Healthcare Effectiveness Data and Information Set in this report.

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The Unexpected Benefits of a State Master Plan for Aging: Lessons from California

This brief explores California’s experiences using a Master Plan for Aging (MPA) to respond to unexpected challenges and opportunities. It also examines how California used their MPA to use state-led programs to address health equity. The brief looks at some of the other benefits of using an MPA including building relationships with a variety of stakeholders, government agencies, and the public. The brief is intended to provide information on California’s experiences with an MPA to help other states build support for developing an MPA.

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Older Adults’ Preparedness to Age in Place

“Aging in place" refers to living independently, safely, and comfortably in one’s home for as long as possible. In order to do so, home modifications and additional support are often needed to ensure that older adults are safe and have their needs met over the course of their aging. During January and February 2022, the University of Michigan National Poll on Healthy Aging asked a national sample of adults age 50–80 about their perspectives on aging in place and how they feel about home modifications and available social supports.

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New Report Highlights How Nursing Homes with Higher Staffing Levels Have Better Five-Star Ratings and Less Instances of Abuse

The COVID-19 pandemic has highlighted long-standing issues of understaffing and insufficient care delivery in nursing homes. On February 28, 2022, the Biden Administration announced it would be implementing a minimum staffing standard for nursing homes and increasing scrutiny on corporate owned nursing homes. This report analyzes federal data regarding nursing home staffing levels and how it effects residents' outcomes.

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The Unexpected Benefits of a State Master Plan for Aging

A Master Plan for Aging (MPA) is a cross-sector, state-led strategic planning process that can help states transform the infrastructure and coordination of services that support older adults, people with disabilities, and caregivers.This brief outlines unexpected benefits of the MPA process, and illustrates how they can help states respond to new priorities and challenges, such as public health emergencies and health equity.

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Preparing for Medicaid Changes When the Public Health Emergency Expires

When the federal declaration of a public health emergency (PHE) expires, many of the flexibilities initiated during COVID-19 will need to be rolled back, including changes in Medicaid enrollment and eligibility. ACL has developed a fact sheet to help grantees prepare for these changes ahead and continue to support older adults and people with disabilities who currently rely on Medicaid Coverage.

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Growth in New, Non-Medical Benefits Following the CHRONIC Care Act

Medicare Advantage (MA) plans have gained flexibility to offer a wide range of new supplemental benefits and to target benefits to members with specific conditions and individual need. This data insight provides an analysis of non-medical supplemental benefit growth since 2020, and focuses on the following: Special Supplemental Benefits for the Chronically Ill (SSBCI), which first became available in 2020 through the passage of the CHRONIC Care Act and a set of five Expanded Primarily Health-Related Benefits (EPHRB), which first became available in 2019 after the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) expanded the definition of what could be considered “primarily health-related."

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