Aging/Older Adults

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Promising Practices in HCBS: Washington- Facilitating Nursing to Community Transitions

This document describes the State of Washington’s many resources specifically designed to facilitate the transition of nursing facility residents to less restrictive, community settings. The state also offers four funding sources for transitional services people may need when leaving a nursing facility. The document notes the specific programs, their implementation and impact.

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Promising Practices in HCBS: Vermont- Facilitating Nursing Facility to Community Transitions

In 1996, Vermont began to shift resources from nursing facilities to home and community-based services. To implement the legislation, several programs, new services, and policy changes were created that offered individuals more choices for long-term services. This report describes how Vermont changed its long-term care system to reduce institutional reliance by supporting people with physical disabilities and older people in the most appropriate and least restrictive environment possible.

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Families USA Updates Report on Economic Effect of Medicaid

Families USA has released Medicaid: Good Medicine for State Economies predicting the impact state Medicaid spending will have on business activity, jobs, & wages in 2005. The report argues that extending the $10 billion in fiscal relief provided by Congress to the states last year, through enhanced Federal participation in Medicaid, through the end of fiscal year 2005 would help strengthen state economies by generating even more business activity, jobs,& wages. Includes data for every state.

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Promising Practices in HCBS: Utah- Informing Nursing Home Residents about Community Long-Term Care Options

This document describes Utah’s efforts to educate nursing home residents about community-based long-term care options. Group and individual educational sessions and assessments are conducted through organizations knowledgeable about community services. The document provides further information on the implementation of this program.

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Promising Practices in HCBS: New Jersey- Community Choice Initiative

This document describes Community Choice, New Jersey’s permanent, state-operated nursing facility transition program. The program provides information about nursing home alternatives and assistance moving from nursing facilities. This program’s implementation and impact are illustrated in this document.

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Promising Practices in HCBS: Colorado- Hospital Discharge Fast Track

This document describes Colorado’s Fast Track program, which aims to improve access to home and community-based services after a hospital discharge. In this program, staff work to facilitate quick eligibility determination for hospital patients who need long-term care after discharge. The program seeks to decrease unnecessary nursing home admittance. The implementation and impact of this program are described in the document.

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Promising Practices in HCBS: Washington- Supporting Family Caregivers in Ethnic Minority Communities

This report describes the State of Washington’s program to increase the support of family caregivers for people with Alzheimer’s disease in ethnically diverse communities. The program includes outreach, education, and culturally sensitive assessment. The implementation and impact are described in this report.

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Promising Practices in HCBS: New Jersey- Statewide Respite Care Services

This report briefly describes the New Jersey Statewide Respite Care Program. The New Jersey Department of Health and Senior Services (DHSS) administers a state-funded, Statewide Respite Care Program providing a wide variety of services to relieve unpaid, informal caregivers from the stress of caring for older people and/or people with disabilities. The respite program customizes services to the person and the caregiver, with a focus on alleviating caregiver stress.

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Cultural Competency in Working with Latino Family Caregivers

Outlines the challenges facing service providers in addressing the needs of Latino caregivers. This monograph uses case studies to illustrate how specific cultural characteristics, such as language, customs and religion, can impact caregiving situations, and offers suggestions on ways cultural competency can be improved at organizational and policy levels. This publication is supported by a grant from the Archstone Foundation.

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Navigating the Care System: A Guide for Providers to Help Family Caregivers

Traces the development of the oftentimes confusing array of programs and services in the U.S. health and long-term care system, and describes how service providers can help families pull the pieces together. The monograph examines the challenges facing caregivers and offers a list of useful resources available to providers and caregivers. Part of a series of reports from Family Careigver Alliance. This publication is supported by a grant from the Archstone Foundation.

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