Aging/Older Adults

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Guiding Principles for the Nurse-Consumer Relationship: Improved Collaboration and Support of Consumers\' Community Living

Rutgers Center for State Health Policy convened national and state thought leaders in nursing practice and regulation to develop consensus principles to guide the profession's collaboration with people who want to live in their homes and communities. The 2004 draft principles were revised and endorsed by the American Academy of Nursing's Expert Panel on Aging in November 2005. They are offered as a foundation for further dialogue within and across states.

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Paying for Quality Care: State and Local Strategies for Improving Wages and Benefits for Personal Care Assistants

The US is experiencing a severe shortage of qualified direct-care workers to provide personal care services (PCS). Evidence from a number of studies reveals that wages and benefits paid to PCS workers play a fundamental role in determining the quality and quantity of workers. Read this in-depth analysis of state and local practices that reviews the pros and cons of seven strategies for enhancing PCS-worker wages and benefits for direct-care workers delivering Medicaid personal care services.

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Covering Health Issues 2006

Popular with journalists, this guide is useful for those interested in health policy issues. Chapters contain key facts, an overview, expert sources with telephone numbers, story ideas and helpful websites. Topics presented for current policy discussion include: the uninsured, private health coverage, children's health coverage, Medicare, Medicare prescription drugs, Medicaid, long-term care, health care costs, quality and health information technology, disparities, mental and public health.

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National Clearinghouse for Long-Term Care Information

This new web site developed by the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services provides information and resources to help families plan for future long-term care (LTC) needs. This site provides a wide range of information and options to help individuals who don't yet require long-term care plan for future needs. Information about understanding, planning and paying for long-term care can be downloaded including a new resource titled Own Your Future Planning Kit.

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Centers for Independent Livings (CIL) Pathfinder for Services and Programs for Older Americans

This resource guide was developed to help CILs: 1. understand specific needs and problems that are unique to older persons as they age, 2. understand the network of aging organizations including their organizational structure and funding sources, 3. help identify ways to network with these established “aging” agencies and 4. locate and tap into some of the monies that are available for “senior” programs. The guide has 13 sections covering topics from assistive technology to collaboration ideas.

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Making Sure the Money Follows the Person in Your State Webcast

ILRU hosted a webcast where Bob Kafka, from ADAPT of Texas and Gwen Gillenwater from the American Association of People with Disabilities (AAPD) offered ideas about how policy planners, agencies, states and advocates can promote Money Follows the Person. There are a number of elements to consider including systemic issues, service coordination, housing, mental health, consumer involvement, quality and accountability. Listen to the presentation, review the transcript or read the handouts.

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Try This: Best Practices in Care for Older Adults

Try This is a series of assessment tools where each issue focuses on a topic specific to the older adult population. Each issue is a 2-page document with a description of why the topic is important when caring for older patients on the first page, and an assessment tool that can be administered in 20 minutes or less on the second page. A publication of the Hartford Institute for Geriatric Nursing, the series of over 20 assessments is accessible online and also as hard copy.

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Family Caregiver Alliance Website

A public voice for caregivers, the Family Caregiver Alliance (FCA) offers information education, services, research and advocacy programs to support and sustain the vital work of families caring for loved ones. The website offers fact sheets, audio archives, referrals, newsletters, issue briefs and reports. A newly updated resource map called Caregiving Across the States allows state administrators, policy makers, and caregivers to access state-by-state data from an interactive database.

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