Aging/Older Adults

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The Role of Section 1115 Waivers in Medicaid and CHIP: Looking Back and Looking Forward

For many years, Section 1115 waivers have been used in the Medicaid program and the Children’s Health Insurance Program, to provide states an avenue to test and implement coverage approaches that do not meet federal program rules. While these waivers have facilitated important program evolutions over time, some have also raised issues. This brief reviews the experience of Section 1115 Medicaid and CHIP waivers and discusses issues for the Obama administration to consider for the future.

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Medicaid: The Essentials - Presentation

Medicaid covers health and long-term care services for many millions of low-income Americans. Conversations were already underway at this event concerning the role of Medicaid as a vehicle for economic stimulus, and about health coverage expansion proposals, with particular discussion around the challenges facing states implementing the program in the recent economic downturn.

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Do Noninstitutional Long-Term Care Services Reduce Medicaid Spending?

The question posed in the title is answered by analyzing state spending data from 1995-2005. The report shows that, for two distinct populations receiving long-term care services, spending growth was greater for states offering limited noninstitutional services than for states with large, well-established noninstitutional programs. Expansion of HCBS appears to entail a short-term increase in spending, followed by a reduction in institutional spending and long-term cost savings.

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2008 Older Americans: Key indicators of Well-Being

Trends of population, economics, health status, health risks and behaviors and health care are drawn from several governmental statistics sources. Over 38 indicators are complemented by a one-time special feature on health literacy. This is the fourth chart book prepared since 2000. Detailed tables are available as excel spreadsheets.

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The Need for Monitoring the Long-Term Care Direct Service Workforce and Recommendations for Data Collection

This White Paper recommends minimum data sets that states should collect to help assess the magnitude of workforce issues they face and to design and evaluate policy responses. The three basic data elements include: numbers of workers (full time and part time); stability of workforce (turnover and vacancies); and average compensation (wages and benefits). The authors also offer guidance on how to implement data collection.

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Information and Assistance Training Video and Manual - NY Connects Choices for Long-Term Care

This curriculum, "Choices for Long-Term Care" was developed by the New York State Office for the Aging in partnership with Albany area institutions. These materials serve as a tool for NY Connects professionals to better understand the philosophy and definition of information and assistance, enhance their communication skills, and become familiar with the call map to better assist callers.

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National Center on Senior Transportation Website

This website is designed to increase transportation options for older adults and enhance their ability to live more independently within their communities throughout the United States. It features the development, collection and distribution of information and resources for use by communities, transportation providers, state and local governments, aging and human service providers, and older adults and their caregivers.

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IndependentChoices Final Report: December 1998 – March 2008

Learn from 10 years of experience in administering the consumer-directed Cash & Counseling program in Arkansas. The report provides a candid history of the development, implementation, and lessons learned from the program. The author gives details on partnership development and use, changes in agency culture and operations, and data on outcomes, cost neutrality, and participant demographics. Also included are the 2003 and 2008 program budgets.

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A Balancing Act: AARP Survey on Long-Term Care Reform in New Hampshire

The majority of NH’s long-term care (LTC) expenditures go to nursing homes, despite the fact that only 2% of surveyed AARP members prefer to receive care in that setting. The AARP surveyed 800 randomly-selected members to set their advocacy agenda in the state. Other opinions gauged deal with ability to pay for LTC, personal sources of LTC financing, volunteerism, and voting practices.

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2009 CMS Money Follows the Person Conference Materials

March 2-4, 2009 state program staff, CMS staff, and technical assistance providers met in Baltimore to discuss Money Follows the Person and other strategies for helping people move out of nursing homes. Speakers presented on topics ranging from service integration, housing finance strategies, mentoring, quality, and many others.

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