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Advancing data capacity to improve inclusion of people with disabilities

As HHS commemorates the anniversary of the ADA, the Office of Behavioral Health, Disability, and Aging Policy (BHDAP) is working to advance data capacity to generate evidence to implement policies, programs, and practices that promote inclusion and participation of individuals with disabilities in society. This blog post introduces the BHDAP's project, Dataset on Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities, which builds data capacity for person-centered outcomes research for people with ID/DD.

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Rehabilitation Research and Training Center on Home and Community Based Services

This Rehabilitation Research and Training Center on HCBS focuses on person-centered service delivery and outcomes measurement that inform the design, implementation, and continuous improvement of federal and state home and community-based programs, policies, and interventions.

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August 2021 Livable Communities Newsletter

The Florida Department of Elder Affairs released their August 2021 newsletter highlighting Miami-Dade County's Age-Friendly Initaitive. The county's Age-Friendly Initiative was launched in 2012 and has grown into a collaborative network of individuals, stakeholders, and organizations working together to bring housing, transportation, employment and health services to their older adult population.

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Spotlight on Innovations and Achievements: Area Agency on Aging and Disabilities of Southwest Washington

This n4a spotlight focuses on the Area Agency on Aging and Disabilities of Southwest Washington's Community Paramedicine program. Area Agency on Aging & Disabilities of Southwest Washington (AAADSW) has integrated health care and long-term services and supports by partnering two different Accountable Communities of Health in Washington state: Cascade Pacific Action Alliance (CPAA) and Southwest Washington Accountable Community of Health (SWACH).

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States Use Appendix K and Emergency Waivers to Support HCBS Services in Response to COVID-19

NASHP has published an Appendix K interactive map, supported by The John A. Hartford Foundation, to track each state’s new flexibilities in modified 1915 (c) and 1115 waivers. States are using these waivers and amendments to ensure that their older adults and family caregivers are receiveing the LTSS services they need during the pandemic.

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Engaging Youth with Special Health Care Needs and Families of Children with Special Health Care Needs: Recommendations for Medicaid Agencies

The Center for Health Care Strategies, with support from the Lucile Packard Foundation for Children’s Health, conducted a 50-state survey and a set of interviews to gauge the broad range of engagement strategies being used by Medicaid agencies. This report highlights key findings from the survey, including engagement themes, challenges, and recommendations for Medicaid agencies that can have lasting impact on outcomes, quality, equity, and cost.

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Modernizing Health Care to Improve Physical Accessibility: A Primer for Providers

CMS Office of Minority Health has added a new resource to their Improving Access to Care for People with Disabilities webpage. The resource, Modernizing Health Care to Improve Physical Accessibility: A Primer for Providers, is intended to help staff in health care settings improve quality, satisfaction, and physical accessibility for people with disabilities.

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Implementing Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Efforts to Better Support Staff of Color

In this episode of the Medicaid Leadership Exchange podcast series, Ivory Banks, chief of staff at the Department of Medical Assistance Services, Commonwealth of Virginia, and Marlia Mattke, assistant administrator at the Wisconsin Department of Health Services, share their successes and challenges in pursuing diversity, equity, and inclusion efforts that better support staff of color in Medicaid agencies.

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Older Adults’ Equity Collaborative Resource Library

Funded by ACL, this resource library collects digital materials from the Older Adults' Equity Collaborative member organizations to provide tools and guidance to the aging services network, providers, older adults and family caregivers. The resources included cover topics of social isolation and mental health, Alzheimer's and Dementia, disabilities, caregiving, retirement income and security, and emergency planning.

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2020 Transportation Trends Report

NADTC has released it's 2020 Annual Trends Report, highlighting challenges in transportation over the past year and solutions being immplemented across the United States. Topics include: Volunteer Driver Programs in the Age of COVID-19, Transportation for People with Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities, A Fixed-Route Response to Assisting Communities During a Pandemic, Meeting the Transportation Needs of Diverse Older Adults and People with Disabilities, and more.

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