State/Agency Information

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Promising Practices in HCBS: Florida- Providing Managed Care Organizations with Financial Incentives to Expand Community Care and Limit Nursing Home Care

This report briefly describes a managed long-term care pilot project the State of Florida has initiated to test a Medicaid managed care program that includes incentives for coordinating acute and long-term care and for using less expensive, community-based alternatives to nursing homes for people age 65 or older with disabilities. This report includes background information and descriptions of the intervention, implementation, and impact.

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The States\' Response to the Olmstead Decision: How Are States Complying?

State legislatures continue to face the challenges presented by the Supreme Court's 1999 ruling in L.C. & E.W. v. Olmstead. These briefings report on the measures undertaken in each of the 50 states and the District of Columbia in dealing with this critical issue. Provided here are the complete 2001, 2002, and 2003 reports as well as individual state excerpts from the 2003 report.

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Alaska Department of Behavioral Health Website

On July 1, 2003, the Alaska Division of Alcoholism and Drug Abuse and the Mental Health aspect of the Division of Mental Health and Developmental Disabilities merged into a new Division. Services previously carried out by each of these divisions will be carried out under the new Division of Behavioral Health. In addition, the Office of Fetal Alcohol Syndrome, formerly under the Commissioner's Office, also joined the Division. Details and other information available on the website linke below.

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State LTC Profiles Report 1996

This report, an extension of the “1992 State LTC Profiles Report,” (November, 1995) updates previous data to 1996 and provides profiles showing state rankings and data regarding the need for long-term care and utilization patterns across States. The main focus of the analysis is on how States are progressing in the provision of home and community based services. The data presented is useful to state administrators, policy makers, agency administrators, and program planners.

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Promising Practices in HCBS: Pennsylvania- Resource Counseling and Financial Assitance for Informal Caregivers

This report describes the State of Pennsylvania’s Family Caregiver Support Program (FCSP), administered by the Department of Aging, that offers a comprehensive service package with specific funding and services for family caregivers. FCSP uses state & recently available federal funds to allow the caregiver to choose the services needed to help care for an older relative at home and provide financial assistance with out-of-pocket expenses. Early program evaluation found the services effective.

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Promising Practices in HCBS: Texas – Appropriations Rider: Promoting Independence

This report provides information on a piece of Texas legislation which included a rider in the state’s 2001 appropriations act to promote independence and community integration for nursing facility residents. Originally called Rider 37, it allowed Medicaid funding to follow an individual moving from a nursing facility into the community.

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Alabama Developmental Disabilities Council--Website

The Alabama Council for Developmental Disabilities oversees activities in advocacy, capacity building, and systems change. These initiatives contribute to a coordinated comprehensive system of community services that are directed by people with developmental disabilities and/or their families. The Council is a membership organization. Check out the website for more specific information.

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