State/Agency Information

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The Aging Integrated Database (AGID)

This website is an on-line query system based on AoA-related data files and surveys, and includes population characteristics from the Census Bureau. The system allows users to produce descriptive information in graphical or tabular form, at the level of detail most suited for their needs. The four options through AGID provide different levels of focus and aggregation of the data from individual data elements within Data-at-a-Glance to full database access within Data Files.

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The Economic Crisis and Its Impact on State Aging Programs

In FY09, 27 states expect budget shortfalls at the same time that HCBS and other services administered by State Units on Aging nationwide experience increased demand. NASUA surveyed 44 states and the District of Columbia about their strategies for coping with this situation. These include creating or increasing waiting lists, cutting budgets, reduced staffing and travel, and adjusting program elements such as eligibility.

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Recognition of Excellence in Aging Research – Senate Special Committee on Aging Report

The Committee compiled a brief inventory of all research and demonstration projects supported by federal agencies. Program details are not provided, but the report does describe the diverse strategies used by 27 agencies to research and support HCBS. Fields covered include biomedical sciences, housing, environmental protection, preventive care, and hospice care, among others.

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Medicaid Home and Community-Based Service Programs: Data Update

PAS Center offers state-by-state participant and expenditure data for all of Medicaid and the three main HCBS programs: 1915(c) waivers, home health, and state plan personal care. The December 2008 update provides 2005 data complemented by survey results related to program policies and provider reimbursement rates.

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Residential Care and Assisted Living Compendium: 2007

This compendium describes regulatory provisions and Medicaid policy for residential care settings in all 50 states and the District of Columbia. It updates an earlier report completed in 2004. This provides an overview of residential care and assisted living policy, a comparison of state’s policy in selected areas, and summaries of each state's regulations for residential care settings, including assisted living facilities.

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Indiana Medicaid Home and Community-Based Services Waiver Programs: A Guide for Consumers

One way Indiana communicates with HCBS waivers consumers is via this document. Updated periodically, it describes available waivers and what services they cover, eligibility requirements, quality assurance mechanisms and the rights of the consumer. It also provides instructions for applying, contact information for other HCBS resources, and tips on choosing good providers. The guide comes with a feedback and evaluation survey.

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An Examination of Issues Related to How Home and Community-Based Services Programs Operate Within Fixed Budgets and to the Administrative Linkages Between Eligibility Determination, Needs Assessment and Care Planning Functions

This paper reports the findings of a study to document and analyze selected best practices related to state administered home and community based services (HCBS) programs. Examination of the programs provided the context for examining two interrelated areas of policy interest: how states organize and deliver a range of HCBS within fixed budgets; and how eligibility determination, needs assessment, care planning and service authorization functions are structured and linked to one another.

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Service Guides and Handbooks – Arizona

How do you explain the long-term system and benefits available in your state to consumers? Use these resources from Arizona as examples of how to communicate to people with developmental disabilities their choices, rights, and responsibilities. Also covered are eligibility requirements, application instructions, and contact information of local offices.

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Medicaid Infrastructure Grants: Presentation and Resources

This presentation on Medicaid Infrastructure Grants (MIG) presents information regarding what ADRCs need to know about work incentive programs for individuals with disabilities. The presentation was part of the ADRC TA program and was delivered in November 2008. Additionally, a link is included to an informational website for the Ticket to Work Incentives Improvement Act.

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Work Incentives Planning and Assistance (WIPA)-Ticket to Work Site

The Work Incentives Planning and Assistance Projects or WIPAs were funded by 104 new grants awarded throughout the U.S. and the U.S. territories in 2006 to this SSA grantee program. These grants were created to assist SSA disability beneficiaries by providing information about work incentives, benefits planning, and making good choices about work. This website is a resource for consumers, providers and employment and vocational networks.

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