State/Agency Information

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Marketing Discussion Groups

How are states marketing their MIG programs? California went to an outside research company to conduct a marketing study. The attached presentation and results outline the details and findings of this study. Some of the topics addressed are the current employment process, employment resources, and perceptions of messaging statements. This presentation ends by providing insights to action. Though created for California programs this study could provide valuable marketing tips to other MIG states.

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Lodging and Restaurant Accessibility Survey - Wyoming

How are states addressing the needs of travelers with disabilities? The Wyoming Institute for Disabilities conducted a survey of lodging facilities and restaurants throughout Wyoming. The goal was to assess the accommodations available to travelers with disabilities, develop a profile of general availability, and create a distributable, print-ready guidebook. The final report, including the survey and guidebook, is provided and could be useful to other MIG grantees.

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CAPED Conference Workshop Presentation - CA

What types of agency collaborations can benefit youth and those transitioning from school to work? The attached presentation has California asking this question as part of a multi-agency collaborative effort working to remove barriers to employment and self-sufficiency of people with disabilities. Focusing on The CHIIP program and efforts geared to empowering youth, this presentation was given at the CAPED Conference Workshop and could be helpful to other MIG grantees.

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Ticket To Work and the Employment Network– Hawaii

What are the benefits of being part of the Employment Networks Program in Hawaii? The Ticket to Work program and the Employment Network are explained in this presentation to Developmental Disabilities Division case managers, administrators and waiver providers. The information includes defining what can be part of the employment network, how it works and how it benefits the consumer and the agency, which can be helpful for agencies and other states with MIG grants.

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Connecting People to Employment and Enhancing Mobility for People with Disabilities

View an evaluation and grantee-written descriptions of Job Access and Reverse Commute (JARC) and New Freedom services for 2007 and 2008. JARC was established to address transportation challenges that welfare recipients and low-income individuals face in finding and keeping jobs. The New Freedom program was established to provide new public transportation services and alternatives to public transportation for people with disabilities.

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The Role of MIG in Achieving Systems Change - Florida

Providers play a key role in the success of MIG grant programs. Their understanding of how the MIG grant works and who to contact is essential in keeping services running efficiently. Florida provided training information to its providers, explaining MIG values, functions and important resources. The attached presentation is part of this training and could be helpful to other states with MIG grants.

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NCC Conversion to Employment Pilot Project - District of Columbia

An individuals’ transition to an employment pilot project can involve a tracking system outlining the different programs and the particular enrollment status. The District of Columbia created a data spreadsheet for NCC Conversion to their Employment Pilot Project, financed by the MIG grant. This information is a “snapshot” of a client's status at the first of the month. A draft of this form is attached, which could be helpful to other states looking to start a similar program.

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Think Beyond the Label

Explore the website for an initiative designed to make the business case for employers to hire people with disabilities by providing them with information, tools to integrate people with disabilities into the workforce, and local resources to help them access this segment of the labor pool. The site includes individual state pages to connect interested businesses to each state’s resources for recruiting and hiring people with disabilities, and tools such as a Tax Incentives Tip Sheet.

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The Social Security Administration's Youth Transition Demonstration Projects: Implementation Lessons from the Original Projects

Explore lessons learned in this report on The Youth Transition Demonstration (YTD) Projects, part of a broad initiative to encourage disability beneficiaries to return to work. Included are an overview of each of the projects, which shared common goals of improved educational and employment outcomes and reduced reliance on disability benefits. The diversity between initiatives provided an opportunity to explore factors that lead to successful program implementation.

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Training for Physicians-Clinical Decision-Making - Arizona

Can physicians help prevent needless work disability? Evidence-based clinical decision-making that helps patients start, stay at, or return to work, is the topic of this presentation. Given to the medical community, it outlines work related issues that may not seen to be a medical issue, but should be, and how to assess this. This presentation is focused on preventing needless work disability, providing resources and takeaway tools, and includes a survey.

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