State/Agency Information

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State Flexibility for Medicaid Benefit Packages – Final Rule

Effective July 1, 2010, this rule makes significant clarifications regarding benchmark benefits packages. States have utilized these packages to provide expanded HCBS beyond those available through the Medicaid State Plan. Clarifications include the provision of non-emergency medical transportation, and children’s access to the full range of Medicaid EPSDT benefits. The attached file contains the official text of the rule as entered into the Federal Registry.

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Systems of Care: Environmental Scan of Medicaid-Funded Long-Term Supports and Services

Learn about the status of the public LTC delivery system, and opportunities and obstacles for LTSS reform and rebalancing. The study surveys states’ current HCBS expenditures and utilization, analyzes factors underpinning Medicaid’s institutional bias, looks at federal and state initiatives to improve the ratio between institutional and community-based care, and points to statutory and regulatory “fixes” that could enhance the states’ ability to improve their LTC delivery systems.

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Community Living Assistance Services and Supports (CLASS) Provisions in the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act

What are the CLASS provisions for benefit determination, eligibility, enrollment, oversight, and administration of the program? This report discusses these issues as well as cost and financing for LTC services and the current market for private LTC insurance. Federal budget implications of the CLASS program, as estimated by the Congressional Budget Office and the CMS are explored. Finally, the report provides a timeline of CLASS program provisions enacted under PPACA.

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Benefits Counseling and Vocational Rehab Surveys – Indiana

Looking for examples of service provider surveys to better understand program and training success? The state of Indiana created the attached survey samples to assess how information about MED Works is shared with individuals who are working or interested in working. One is meant for providers of benefits counseling, the other to vocational rehabilitation service providers. These interactive pdf forms could serve as useful samples for other states.

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Evaluation of MED Works – Indiana

Looking for samples of MIG program evaluations and corresponding materials? The state of Indiana created the attached evaluations, reports, data supplement and evaluation progress reports for their MED Works Program. These samples contain program details, how well it's working and what the findings mean for the future of the program. It's an approach that could be useful to other states.

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CMS State Medicaid Directors Letter – Community Living Initiative

This letter was issued to provide information on new tools for community integration and to remind States of existing tools that remain strong resources in their efforts to support community living. Various technical assistance resources are listed, including a new guide for enhancing the availability of HCBS within managed care delivery systems. Progress around the HUD partnership, HCBS waiver and state plan options, grant programs, ADRCs and discharge planning are discussed as well.

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Employment Curriculum – Louisiana

How are states educating and marketing to consumers about work incentive programs for people with disabilities? Through a series of informational documents, Louisiana summarizes Disability Benefits & Work, Finding a Job, Knowing your Rights, Support, Taxes, Ticket to Work, and Transition after High School programs. Samples of these documents are attached and could be useful templates for other states interested in similar projects and marketing approaches.

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Ticket to Work Pilot Program Annual Report – Nebraska

Looking for a sample of a MIG pilot program annual report? The State of Nebraska created the attached Ticket to Work Palliative Care Pilot Program Annual Report for 2008-2009, which explains the program, funding, outreach, data, participant stories and more. It is a comprehensive sample that could serve as a template for other MIG states.

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BRAIN BOOK™ System Pilot Final Report – Nebraska

Looking for a sample of a MIG pilot project final report? The state of Nebraska created a report to access the success of their Brain Book™ System pilot project, dealing with traumatic brain injury. This report covers background and pilot objective, pilot activities, post-program evaluation, training program structure and resources, and conclusions and recommendations. A sample of this report and three corresponding forms and documents are available.

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Barriers to Employment for People with Disabilities – North Carolina

Service use as a barrier to employment for people with disabilities is an obstacle for many MIG programs. The state of North Carolina addressed this issue with this presentation at the 2009 annual meeting of the American Public Health Association. The presentation, including data and their implications, addresses intensive and irregular service use as possible barriers to employment. It is information that could be useful to other states.

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