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Managed Care Technical Assistance Center

CMS will provide individualized technical assistance to the states on managed care program operations, including planning and procurement, benefit design and serving the needs of complex populations, access and quality, and the use of data for program oversight and management. The Medicaid Managed Care Technical Assistance Center is part of CMS's larger efforts to provide comprehensive information and guidance on Medicaid managed care program operations.

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Guide to Support Group Partnership

Support groups are recognized as a valuable psychosocial dynamic to promote insight unique to personal circumstances. Individuals who have similar life experiences can honestly relate with a “been there, done that, still here” testimony. The following information will review the psychosocial importance, the developmental process, and the maintenance of support groups. Professionals working in any specialized area are often asked about support groups and are called upon to implement such groups.

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State Medicaid Directors Letter: Federal and State Oversight of Medicaid Expenditures

CMS released a letter to State Medicaid Directors discussing mutual obligations and accountability of both state and federal governments for the integrity of the Medicaid program and the development, application, and improvement of safeguards vital to ensure proper and appropriate use of federal and state dollars. The letter also discusses a new requirement that states submit upper payment limit (UPL) demonstrations on an annual basis, and guidance on the format and method of UPL demonstration.

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The Facts Hurt: A State-by-State Injury Prevention Policy Report

Injuries are the third leading cause of death nationally, and the leading cause of death for Americans between the ages of 1 and 44. This report concludes that millions of injuries could be prevented each year if more states adopted additional research-based injury prevention policies, and if programs were fully implemented and enforced.

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Getting into Gear for 2014: Briefing, Survey Examine 2013 Data From 50-State Survey of Medicaid and CHIP Eligibility and Enrollment Policies

As 2014 approaches, many states are preparing for implementation of the major provisions of the Affordable Care Act (ACA) law, including a new streamlined Medicaid enrollment system and, at states' option, the expansion of Medicaid. It has been found that nearly all states are pressing forward with information technology and process improvements to develop faster, streamlined Medicaid enrollment systems, whether or not the state elects to expand Medicaid coverage under the law.

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Home and Community-Based Waivers for Respite Support

This compilation includes information about state 1915(c) Home and Community-Based Medicaid waivers, which provides the largest federal source of funding assistance for respite. New waiver tables have been added to this compendium for the following states: DC, Oregon, South Dakota, Utah, Washington, West Virginia, Wisconsin and Wyoming. Individual tables were also added to the Search Results pages for each of these states in the National Respite Locator under Respite Funding and Eligibility.

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National Summary of State Medicaid Managed Care Programs - 2011

This report is composed annually by the Data and Systems Group (DSG) of the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS). It provides descriptions of the states’ Medicaid managed care programs as of July 1, 2011. The report is organized by 1915(b), 1115, 1932(A), 1915(A), Concurrent 1915(B/C), Concurrent 1915(A/C), 1932, 1937, and PACE programs.

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Medicaid Today: Results from a 50-State Medicaid Budget Survey for State Fiscal Years 2012 and 2013

This survey reports on trends in Medicaid spending, enrollment and policy initiatives for FY 2012 and FY 2013. The report describes policy changes in reimbursement, eligibility, benefits, delivery systems and long-term care, as well as detailed appendices with state-by-state information, and a more in-depth look through four state-specific case studies of the Medicaid budget and policy decisions in Massachusetts, Ohio, Oregon and Texas.

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State Demonstrations to Integrate Care and Align Financing for Dual Eligible Beneficiaries

This paper examines the contents of the 26 states’ proposals, which intent to test on two models related to financing dual eligible beneficiaries, in the areas of target population, implementation date, enrollment, financing, benefits, beneficiary protections, stakeholder engagement, and demonstration evaluation as set out in the states’ initial submission to CMS. Negotiations between CMS and the states are ongoing and are likely to result in some changes from the states’ initial proposals.

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A New Way of Looking at Private Pay Affordability of Long-Term Services and Supports

The affordability of private pay services is an important component of LTSS system performance. This Insight on the Issues presents data on private pay affordability for every state and more than 400 markets in the U.S. There is wide variation in affordability between states and markets. Private pay nursing home care is not affordable for middle-income families. While less costly than nursing homes, home health care is still unaffordable for middle-income older people at typical levels of use.

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