Recruitment and Retention

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Medicaid Work Incentive Network 2009 Exit Survey Results - West Virginia

How does the state of West Virginia evaluate the effectiveness of their MIG programs and services? Explore these exit survey results as well as corresponding conclusions and recommendations. This particular survey is mailed monthly to individuals after they leave the state's Medicaid Work Incentive Network; discover the variety of reasons.

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Abilities Newsletters - Vermont

How can states provide outreach and resources to employers in order to encourage and support them in hiring individuals with disabilities? Explore the "Abilities" newsletter archive in order to see examples of the electronic newsletter to employers produced every other month by the state of Vermont. May be helpful for other MIG states working to reach out to employers.

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Health Care and Working Webinars - Utah

Contained in these attachments are links to several examples of Webinars broadcasted in the state of Utah and aimed at individuals with disabilities interested in working while keeping their Health Care benefits. Included is information on Medicaid and working, Medicaid Work Incentive, Employment Personal Assistance Services, how employment affects recipients of Medicare and more.

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Works for Me Website- Pennsylvania

How does the state of Pennsylvania direct consumers to resources on agencies and programs that help people with disabilities to work and improve their financial security? Peruse the website for information on Works for Me, a MIG program that guides consumers in finding jobs, obtaining training, keeping health insurance, getting assistive technology, and more.

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Developing a Workforce to Care for an Aging Society: Challenges and Opportunities

The new issue of Generations, the quarterly journal of the American Society on Aging, is devoted entirely to the eldercare workforce. The Winter 2010-11 issue covers: the current state of the nation’s eldercare workforce; the eldercare workforce’s makeup, deficiencies, and strengths; and strategies for much-needed workforce recruitment, training and management, policy development, and fostering of cultural competencies.

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North Dakota Benefits Planning Network Newsletters

Here are two examples of quarterly eNewsletters put out by the North Dakota Medicaid Infrastructure Grant. The state uses the newsletters to keep readers up to date on important and relevant information such as policy changes, recent research findings, upcoming events, and more. Use the attachments to learn more about how the state educates consumers.

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Granite State Employment Project - New Hampshire

Find examples of outreach as well as strategic planning created by New Hampshire's MIG program, the Granite State Employment Project. Attached is an overview of the state's plan on operationalizing a statewide employment data system as well as two examples of outreach materials: an employment leadership nomination form for employers of individuals with disabilities and a newsletter. May be replicable by other states hoping to improve their MIG program outreach materials.

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Medicaid Infrastructure Grant Outreach Materials - Nevada

In one stop, find numerous examples of how the state of Nevada provides outreach and information to its consumers with disabilities. The attached portfolio includes PowerPoint presentations, training materials, brochures, and advertisements that serve as helpful examples of how to successfully disseminate this important information.

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Employer Outreach and Education Fact Sheets - Massachusetts

How can employers attract and retain employees with disabilities? Attached are several examples of how the state of Massachusetts has created outreach materials designed to educate employers on many important topics involving hiring and retaining workers with disabilities. Some topics covered: Business Case for including People with Disabilities in the Workplace, Federal Tax Cuts and Becoming an Employer of Choice.

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Engaging with Employers - A Breakfast Series in Maine

How is Maine working to increase opportunities for communication and networking regarding employment for those with disabilities? One way is by posting sponsored events online. The videos attached feature short clips from a breakfast series hosted by the CHOICES CEO Project. The sponsored networking breakfasts are for businesses and organizations that provide employment services to people with disabilities.

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