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Promising Practices in HCBS: Rhode Island- Case Management that Follows Offenders Out the Prison Gates

This report describes Rhode Island’s Project Bridge, which provides services for HIV-positive ex-offenders ranging from rides to medical appointments to assistance addressing legal, housing, substance abuse, and other problems. The report discusses the implementation and impact of the program.

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Is Community Care a Civil Right? The Unfolding Saga of the Olmstead Decision

This paper lays the groundwork for understanding the implications of the historic U.S. Supreme Court Decision in the case of Olmstead vs. L.C., which has far-reaching consequences for persons with disabilities. The paper reviews the critical components influencing the case. Also, the paper describes the federal and state responses to the ruling and concludes with a brief discussion of some legal issues that will be debated in the courts.

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Promising Practices in HCBS: New Jersey- Single Access Point for Information on All Services for Older People

This report explains the State of New Jersey’s single entry system for long-term supports and other services for older people, including a toll-free telephone number for information and services. The effectiveness of the system in each of New Jersey's 21 counties is evaluated through compliance with state protocols and consumer satisfaction reports. The report provides the intervention, implementation, and impact of the program.

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