Organizational Change

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Flexible Accounting for Long-Term Care Services: State Budgeting Practices that Increase Access to Home-and Community-Based Services

This report presents budgeting and contractual strategies used in Arizona, Hawaii, Louisiana, Massachusetts, Michigan, Minnesota, New Jersey, Pennsylvania, Tennessee, Texas, Washington and Wisconsin. In different ways, these states have made substantial progress in transforming their LTSS systems by developing flexible accounting policies that have reduced NF utilization and captured the savings to support their HCBS programs.

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Experienced Voices: What Do Dual Eligibles Want From Their Care? Insights from Focus Groups with Older Adults Enrolled in Both Medicaid and Medicare

In an effort to improve care & reduce costs, states & the federal government are seeking new ways to provide services to people eligible for both Medicare & Medicaid. Missing from the discourse are the voices of these dual eligibles. Changes to the way their care is organized & delivered could have profound effects on their health, quality of life, & satisfaction. This project aims to complement state & federal efforts by offering perspectives on what duals want from their models of care.

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Organizational Transformation Series

Find case studies and articles related to organizational change from traditional facility and group-based services to individualized supports. Reports present learned lessons and challenges based on site visits to organizations which offer supports for community living, employment and are engaged in change initiatives. New reports from 2011 include "Organizational Change: Approaches & Strategies" and "Stepping out of the Organizational Comfort Zone."

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Comprehensive Health Reform – Summary and Timeline

What are the key provisions in the 2010 comprehensive health reform? Read a summary of the new law, including the CLASS Act, and changes make to the law by subsequent legislation. The document focuses on changes in coverage, control of health care costs, and improvement of the health care delivery system. Also included is a timeline providing implementation dates.

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The ADA Amendments Act of 2008

On January 1, 2009, the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) of 2008 went into effect, making some major changes to the way the definition of disability has been interpreted in the past. The Job Accommodation Network (JAN) has released this document to outline these changes clearly and thoroughly. This includes the modified definition of disability, the definition of reasonable accommodation, a listing of publications to help employers understand reasonable accommodation and practical tips.

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Real Choice Systems Change Grant Program - FY 2001 to FY 2004 Systems Change Grants: Summary Final Report

The purpose of this report is fourfold: 1) to present a brief overview of the results of the Systems Change grants awarded from FY 2001 through FY 2004, 2) to describe the remaining challenges to community living that Grantees identified, 3) to provide Grantees’ recommendations for actions needed at the state and federal level to further improve their long-term care systems, and 4) to discuss the key lessons learned regarding factors that are needed to improve states’ long-term care systems.

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Integrated Public Alert and Warning System (IPAWS)- Alerting the Whole Community: Removing Barriers to Alerting Accessibility

IPAWS is a modernization and integration of the nation’s alert and warning infrastructure. This paper serves to demonstrate how IPAWS addresses the challenges of reaching the whole community, including the 25% of our population who might need assistance. It offers evidence that while IPAWS doesn't solve all of the challenges, it can certainly mitigate them, particularly with greater stakeholder engagement and public awareness. Emerging technologies that could improve accessibility are reviewed.

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Presentations from 2009 International Conference on Self-Determination

The conference took place in May 2009 in North Carolina and focused on the global advancement of the principles of self-determination. Presenters spoke on topics including Medicaid reform, self-directed budgeting, self-employment; quality, education, advocacy; and youth, among others. Included here are slides from talks as well as essays by the organizer on the purpose of public funding for services and challenges facing Medicaid.

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Access for All Customers: Universal Strategies for One-Stop Career Centers

One-Stop Career Centers serve a diverse range of customers. These include individuals with a variety of educational and work backgrounds, as well as individuals with a wide range of disabilities and support needs. An effective way to serve this broad customer pool is to provide One-Stop services according to the principles of what is known as “universal design,” using common strategies that benefit many groups. This brief discusses the benefits of One-Stop services in detail.

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