Model Communities

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The ADA Collection website

A new website, the ADA Collection, offers visitors over 3,000 documents pertaining to the Americans with Disabilites Act. This new one-stop, one-shop ADA source is online at The website offers in-depth information about a variety of topics, but also includes general and easy-to-understand information about the ADA. Document categories include employment, state & local government, private business, facility access, transporation, communication, and enforcement.

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Public Policy Advocacy: A Grassroots Guide

Democracy is not a spectator sport. This guide was written to help you use the skills you already have to change government actions that affect your life. As an individual, you may wonder what you can do to change things. As a grassroots group, you may think that the deck is stacked against you. The Power Point slides provide strategies for grass roots advocacy. Materials are especially useful for advocates and consumers.

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Aging and Disability Resource Centers Toolbox

The Aging and Disability Resource Center Grant Program, was developed to assist states in their efforts to create a single, coordinated system of information and access for all persons seeking long term support. This toolbox has been developed for ADRC grantees to: 1) List and succinctly explain the AoA-CMS requirements per each topic, and 2) provide materials that will support the design, development and operation of resource centers.

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Texoma Real Choice Program: System Navigators-Overview, Presentation, Forms and Survey

The Texoma Real Choice Program--a demonstration project made possible by a grant awarded to the Texas Health and Human Service Commission by the federal Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services. The programs goal is to connect persons with disabilities to real service options with the help of system navigators available to assist people through systems and support groups. The below attachments are forms, surveys and other tools needed to implement the program.

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Heart of Texas Regional Access System (HOTRAS) - Program Forms

The Heart of Texas Regional Access System (HOTRAS) is a network of organizations committed to improving service delivery to people in need. When clients give consent to release information to the network, they agree to participate in the HOTRAS Continuum of Care. The goal is to share and manage information in an effort to coordinate and improve delivery of needed services and to avoid duplication in providing basic intake information. Find sample program agreements and forms below.

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Littleton A Model Community

The Town of Littleton, NH has received a $270,000, three-year grant through the Real Choice Systems Change to develop and maintain an infrastructure for the removal of barriers preventing persons who are aging and others with disabilities from fully participating in community life. This document includes a description of the grant and a power point presentation that outlines details and challenges in the development of this Model Community.

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Request for Proposal: Create a Model Community to Include All Citizens

This document announces a unique opportunity for New Hampshire communities to improve the quality of life for all of its citizens. This opportunity will allow communities to explore ways to use the social capital within its borders to better provide support and services to all its residents including those who are aging or others with disabilities. The document describes the grant and gives specific application details.

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Real Choice Systems Change - Application for Funding CT

A 2002 Real Choice Systems Change grant was awarded to Connecticut Department of Social Services entitled \"Promoting community inclusion for all people with disabilities throughout the lifespan\". This document is a call for proposals from municipalities interested in being selected as a model community for the inclusion of persons with disabilities through the lifespan.

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Community Building in Logan Square: How a Community Grew Stronger with the Contributions of People with Disabilities

Report describes how one Chicago neighborhood identified isolated and uninvolved local residents and introduced them to community groups based on their talents and gifts. The residents shared their talents, became active, & added new strength to the community\\'s life. The particular activity described involves people who are isolated and nonparticipating because of the label \\\"developmentally disabled.\\\" However, the methods described apply to people isolated because of other conditions as well.

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