Long-Term Care

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Aging and Disability Policy Summit: High Priority Worksheet

This document is from the Aging and Disability Policy Summit. It notes the priority areas regarding aging and disability policy. They are: housing, transportation, health care, employment, education, and community participation. This worksheet provides a valuable framework for defining issues, activities and goals needed to enact change.

Short URL: http://www.advancingstates.org/node/51131

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A Social Marketing Approach to Challenging Stigma

This article is aimed at developing tools to help human service providers form partnerships to address and prevent stigmatization of people with disabilities. The Idaho State University Institute of Rural Health (ISU-IRH) developed two anti-stigma social marketing campaigns that incorporated methods to empower people, campaign design and distribution, and methodology for evaluating the effectiveness of the campaign.

Short URL: http://www.advancingstates.org/node/51129

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Real Choice Systems Change Grants for Community Living: Idaho

This presentation gives a brief overview of Idaho’s Real Choice grant and Money Follows the Person grant. The goals of the project were to: reduce the stigmatization of people with disabilities, complete and economic analysis of the current Medicaid system, community development, and to complete and effectiveness study. Review their key activities, methodology, and evaluation.

Short URL: http://www.advancingstates.org/node/51128

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Minnesota’s Real Choice Systems Changes Grant Presentations: 2004

In September 2004, Minnesota’s Real Choice Systems Changes grantees presented at the Illinois 2004 Systems Change Seminar. Presentations covered the Minnesota’s Personal Assistance Care Program, QA/QI grant, ADRC grant, and its Senior Health Insurance Program. A variety of topics covered include quality assurance, stakeholder involvement and personal assisted services

Short URL: http://www.advancingstates.org/node/51127

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Illinois 2004 Systems Change Seminar

The following information was presented at the Illinois 2004 Systems Change Seminar. Topics presented included: trends in long-term care, progress on the Illinois Community-based Treatment Alternatives for Children (CTAC) grants, the Illinois Housing Development Authority and how its work pertains to persons with disabilities, and Michigan’s progress on its Real Choice Systems Change grants.

Short URL: http://www.advancingstates.org/node/51126

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Homecare in Illinois: A Continuing Crisis

This brief recognizes the issues that face home care workers – including low wages, difficult work, and few, if any, benefits. At the same time, demands for home health care are increasing. This document, written on behalf of the Service Employees International Union, advocates on behalf of home health workers to raise wages in order to encourage participation in a workforce that assists Illinois vulnerable populations.

Short URL: http://www.advancingstates.org/node/51125

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Community Service Options, Inc. Website

Community Service Options, Inc (CSO) is an organization dedicated to assisting persons with developmental disability to receive service and live in the “least restrictive” setting. CSO provides screening, eligibility assessment, service coordination, and advocacy throughout the Chicago area. The website provides links to their services and assessment tools.

Short URL: http://www.advancingstates.org/node/51122

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The Impact of Medicare Special Needs Plans on State Procurement Strategies for Dually Eligible Beneficiaries in Long-Term Care

Special Needs Plans (SNPs), authorized by the Medicare Modernization Act, offer state Medicaid programs a new potential vehicle for coordinating Medicare and Medicaid benefits for dual eligibles. This report investigates the degree to which states (and plans) are using this option to develop more fully integrated Medicare-Medicaid models for dual eligibles needing long-term care services.

Short URL: http://www.advancingstates.org/node/51116


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