Long-Term Care

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Minnesota\'s Long Term Care Consultations (LTCC) Services

The report describes a program created by the Minnesota Legislature that provides long-term care choice counseling and services designed to help people live in community settings. Minnesota's Long Term Care Consultation (LTCC) services have made it possible for people of all ages to receive information about services, community residence, determination on whether they qualify for public services, and assistance in transitioning from an institution to a community setting.

Short URL: http://www.advancingstates.org/node/50764

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Nursing Facility Transition Toolbox

This toolbox was developed for nursing facility transition (NFT) and Money Follows the Person (MFP) grantees to provide materials to support the design, development and operation of nursing facility programs. This toolbox includes over 30 resources to assist states in these efforts. Resources include existing materials or tools, CMS guidance and report developed by the Rutgers/NASHP team and others. An electronic link to the tool or document is included when available.

Short URL: http://www.advancingstates.org/node/50763

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An Analysis of the National Governors Association’s Proposals for “Short-Run Medicaid Reform”

The Center on Budget and Policy Priorities just released an in-depth analysis of the National Governors Association's short-term Medicaid reforms. In August 2005, the NGA released “Medicaid Reform: A Preliminary Report,” a set of recommendations for Congress as it develops budget legislation to reduce projected federal Medicaid expenditures. This informative brief explores the recommendations and their implications for Medicaid.

Short URL: http://www.advancingstates.org/node/50761

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Medicaid Budgets, Spending and Policy Initiatives in State Fiscal Years 2005 and 2006

The 50-state annual survey of budget conditions and Medicaid cost containment actions in FY2005-06 shows that all states implemented and planned more Medicaid cost-containment actions, but are also implementing expansions as the gap between Medicaid spending growth and state tax revenue narrowed.

Short URL: http://www.advancingstates.org/node/50757

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Taking Care: Ethical Caregiving in Our Aging Society

<i>Taking Care</i>, a report to the President by the Council on Bioethics, addresses the ethical challenges of caregiving in our rapidly aging society, with special attention to the care of people with dementia. The report aims to enrich public discussions about aging, dementia, and caregiving, to encourage policymakers to take up these complicated yet urgent issues, and to offer ethical guidance for caregivers—professional and familial.

Short URL: http://www.advancingstates.org/node/50756

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Adult Children: The Likelihood of Providing Care for an Older Parent

Most long-term care provided to older persons living in the community is provided by family and friends. Among family caregivers, adult children are most likely to assume the role of primary caregiver. This <i>Profile</i> provides data about adult children who are primary caregivers to an older parent that needs assistance performing one or more basic everyday activities.

Short URL: http://www.advancingstates.org/node/50747

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National Survey of State Initiatives on the Long-Term Care Direct-Care Workforce: Survey Results 2005

This is the fifth national survey of the direct-care workforce published by the National Clearinghouse on the Direct Care Workforce. It examines public policy actions taken by states to strengthen the direct-care workforce, and updates information collected in prior surveys. Responses were received from 38 states, representing a 76 percent return rate. The report contains data tables with survey results and details national initiatives pertaining to the direct care workforce.

Short URL: http://www.advancingstates.org/node/50746

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Who Stays and Who Goes Home: Using National Data on Nursing Home Discharges and Long-Stay Residents to Draw Implications for Nursing Home Transition Programs

This report analyzes survey data to describe the characteristics of two groups of nursing home residents who are 65 years or older: those discharged back to the community over a one year time period and those who remain in nursing homes longer than 90 days. As some states turn their attention to returning nursing home residents to the community, this report offers insights on who to target in transition programs and what level and types of community resources are needed.

Short URL: http://www.advancingstates.org/node/50745

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Aged/Disabled Medicaid HCBS Waiver Programs and Family Caregiving

This Issue Brief summarizes the results of a recent descriptive study, Medicaid and Family Caregiving: Services, Supports and Strategies Among Aged/Disabled HCBS Waiver Programs in the U.S. (Feinberg & Newman, 2005). This issue brief is the first to characterize and analyze the role of Medicaid HCBS waiver programs in supporting family and informal caregivers of frail elders and adults with disabilities. The brief highlights key findings and summarizes conclusions.

Short URL: http://www.advancingstates.org/node/50737

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Family Caregiver Support Services: Sustaining Unpaid Family and Friends in a Time of Public Fiscal Constraint

This AARP Public Policy Institute fact sheet and report outlines the need for publicly funded respite services for family caregivers and describes the types available. The research concludes that publicly funded caregiver support programs play an important role in sustaining and strengthening the unpaid, informal care provided by families.

Short URL: http://www.advancingstates.org/node/50733


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