Long-Term Care

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Sustaining New Jersey’s Evolving Community Choice Counseling Program

This policy in practice brief describes the statutory foundation of the Community Choice Counseling program which is rooted in pre-admission screening for nursing homes, and how state leaders used that 1988 law to reduce resistance from nursing homes and obtain a sustainable funding source for the staff. This brief also summarizes new innovations, evaluation findings, lessons learned, and potential future directions.

Short URL: http://www.advancingstates.org/node/50819

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Medicaid Managed Long-Term Care Research Report

Amid federal and state budget pressures, policymakers in many states are either planning to start new managed care programs for Medicaid beneficiaries with LTC needs or are expanding existing programs. This AARP Public Policy Institute Issue Brief reviews the limited but important experience of states that have implemented such programs to date, identifies key policy issues going forward, and assesses the likelihood of future growth in these programs.

Short URL: http://www.advancingstates.org/node/50810

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Measuring Long-Term Care Work: A Guide to Selected Instruments to Examine Direct Care Worker Experiences and Outcomes

As turnover among direct care workers continues at very high rates, providers need to implement solutions that work and employee surveys can be an important tool in understanding staff satisfaction. This guide was developed to help organizations improve their use of measurement tools to understand direct care workforce problems and to inform their solutions. LTC providers and researchers can use the 12 instrument measures to assess monitor and improve the work environment.

Short URL: http://www.advancingstates.org/node/50779

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Strategies to Keep Consumers Needing Long-Term Care in the Community and Out of Nursing Facilities

In recent years, states have been trying to shift resources from institutional to home and community based long-term care services. This report examines \"transition\" and \"diversion\" policies and practices in eight states. It provides a sense of what state Medicaid programs are doing or could be doing to promote diversion.

Short URL: http://www.advancingstates.org/node/50778

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State Medicaid Fact Sheets Online Tool

This new interactive online tool provides the latest key data for each state’s Medicaid program and the population it serves, allowing for easy comparisons of one state to any other state or to the nation as a whole, on a selection of important indicators. Utilizing figures from the Kaiser Commission on Medicaid and the Uninsured and drawn directly from statehealthfacts.org, this tool provides customized figures and tables that can be easily printed as fact sheets, emailed or saved.

Short URL: http://www.advancingstates.org/node/50772

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Position Papers: Employment Options, Personal Assistance Programs and Waiting List

The goal of the West Virginia Real Choice project is to create enduring improvements in community long-term support systems so that individuals of any age who have a disability or long-term illness have the choice and necessary supports to live and participate in their communities. The have created three position papers to present arguments for expanding the horizons of employment options, personal assistance programs, and waiting lists protocols.

Short URL: http://www.advancingstates.org/node/50768

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Community Living Exchange Newsletter #4 September 2005

This is the fourth in a series of newsletters produced at the Exchange to provide assistance to our CMS Real Choice Systems Change grantees. This newsletter is produced biannually. Topics include: Building Nursing Home Transition into a Balanced Long-term Care System: The Washington Model, Individualized Back-up Planning and Independence Plus in Louisiana & New Hampshire, Participant-Centered Planning & Individual Budgeting, South Carolina's Care Call, and Money Follows the Person.

Short URL: http://www.advancingstates.org/node/50766

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Beyond Tomorrow: A Workshop for Emerging and Existing Leadership Personnel

It is necessary for organizations working with vulnerable people to recruit and advance promising leaders as well as further renew and encourage existing leaders. This specialized five-day event prepares the next generation of leaders as the present baby boomers begin to leave the field of advocacy, academia and governmental services. Participants will develop a proposal that identifies key leadership issues that each believes their organization ought to pursue. The event is in March 2006.

Short URL: http://www.advancingstates.org/node/50765


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