Individualized Budget

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Impact: Feature Issue on Consumer-Controlled Budgets

This Impact Newsletter was printed in the Spring of 2004 and the feature is \"Issue on Consumer-Controlled Budgets and Persons with Disabilities\". This issue of focuses on various aspects of and experiences with supporting personal freedom through self-directed supports and individually managed budgets. It includes articles from policy, service, and individual/ family perspectives illustrating what is possible when self-determination guides service provision.

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NASHP\'s 17th Annual State Health Policy Conference Presentations: Gateway to Great Ideas in State Health Policy

This conference was designed to assess state initiatives to improve quality, cost, and access and to help policy makers—from both the executive and legislative branches—identify the most promising and cost effective of these programs and policies. Sessions of interest for grantees include: Quality Challenges in LTC, Self-Direction Sweeping States, Information to Live by...Building Integrated Health Data Systems, Beyond HCBS Waivers, Money Follows the Person, Medicare Modernization Act

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Cashing & Counseling Grant Application Materials and Supporting Teleconference Material 2004

Included here is the call for proposals for the 2004 demonstration of Cash & Counseling and three supporting teleconferences. These teleconferences discuss the requirements for the grant, as well as present past lessons and answer applicant's questions.

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The Effects Of Cash And Counseling On Personal Care Services And Medicaid Costs In Arkansas

The Cash & Counseling Demonstration gives Medicaid beneficiaries who are eligible for personal care services a consumer-directed allowance in lieu of traditional agency services. This report discusses the effects of this program on both the medicaid costs and personal care services recieved in Arkansas.

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Having It Your Way: Understanding State Individual Budgeting Strategies

In response to the growing demand for self-directed services, state developmental disabilities agencies have begun to use individual budgets as a cornerstone of their efforts to help persons with disabilities to gain control over their lives. While interest in this subject is strong, until now very little comparative information has been available. To address this, NASDDDS is pleased to announce the report Having It Your Way: Understanding State Individual Budgeting Strategies.

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Promising Practices in HCBS: Wyoming- Individual Budgets for Medicaid Waiver Services

This report describes Wyoming’s individual budgets for its Medicaid home and community-based services (HCBS) waivers for people with developmental disabilities and the statistical method used to determine individualized budgets. The report also discusses how the budgets were implemented and their impact thus far.

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Promising Practices in HCBS: Oregon- Maximizing Participant Control Over Services

Oregon's Independent Choices Program allows Medicaid-eligible individuals to pay cash directly to providers for personal care and related services. Under this five-year project, participants receive a monthly cash payment and are fully responsible for the mechanics of payroll and budgeting for needed services.

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New Medicaid Grants and Initiatives: Colorado\'s Magnificent Seven

This document describes seven grants in the state of Colorado, they are: The Nursing Facilities Transitions Grant, Systems Change for Real Choices Grant, Colorado Community Personal Assistance Services and Supports Grant, Medicaid “Buy-In” Grant (NEII), Consumer-Directed Care for Elderly (CDCE), In-Home Support Services (IHSS), and Consumer Directed Attendant Support (CDAS).

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