Individualized Budget

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Evaluation Of The Individual Budgets Pilot Programme: Final Report

The Individual Budgets pilot programme was a cross-government initiative led by the Department of Health working closely with the Department for Work and Pensions, and Communities and Local Government in the United Kingdom. The pilot was conducted over two years 2006-2007 involving 13 local authorities, the abstract and final report are available here.

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Consumer-Directed Care for Beneficiaries With Mental Illness: Lessons From New Jersey's Cash & Counseling Program

This study examined the effectiveness of the Cash & Counseling program for those with a diagnosis of mental illness using previous research from the Cash & Counseling Demonstration and Evaluation (CCDE) program in New Jersey. The link to the article abstract is available here.

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Cash & Counseling Demonstration and Evaluation Report on New Jersey Paid Worker Focus Groups

This report, focused on New Jersey’s Personal Preference program, provides information on workers’ views about issues such as job satisfaction, roles and responsibilities, and ideas for recruiting and retaining new personal care workers. The report also describes similarities and differences between paid family caregivers and non-family caregivers.

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