Individualized Budget

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PersonalChoice Health Status and Education Needs Assessment - Rhode Island

This assessment is designed to determine the level of understanding that the participant has in terms of his/her disability and resulting functional impacts and any possible complications that may result. It is also intended to provide an opportunity to educate the participant on the medical aspects of his/her disability and identify opportunities for further education.

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Providing and Coordinating Supportive and F/EA Services

These presentations were part of the 2007 Government and Vendor Fiscal/Employer Agent Workshop. The presentations given by West Virginia, New Mexico, and New Jersey representatives explore the benefits and challenges of providing supportive and F/EA services under one umbrella organization versus providing them through separate vendor entities.

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Media Kit - Minnesota

Minnesota has an extensive media kit on their website about Consumer Directed Community Supports. The items in the media kit offers you some easy, ready-to-go materials in printed and electronic formats to use in promoting the consumer directed community supports service option among consumers, partnering organizations, and others. Materials include key talking points, a news release, a postcard, a kiosk card, a short quiz, and a brief description of CDCS services.

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