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Workforce3 Website - New Disability And Employment Resource

Workforce3 One, an online resource sponsored by the U.S. Department of Labor’s Employment and Training Administration, has a new Disability and Employment Resource Page to provide employment-related resources for the workforce system. This page outlines promising practices and expands the capacity of the One-Stop Career Center system to serve customers disabilities. The resource page includes videos and podcasts, toolkits and training materials, promising practices, and other materials.

Short URL: http://www.advancingstates.org/node/52099

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What Impact Does the Ability to Purchase Goods and Services Have on Participants in Cash & Counseling Programs?

A central part of consumer direction is ability of the consumer to manage the budget and decide what to purchase. Evaluation data and anecdotes are given to show how this ability influences the outcomes of program participants.

Short URL: http://www.advancingstates.org/node/51895

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2008 Older Americans: Key indicators of Well-Being

Trends of population, economics, health status, health risks and behaviors and health care are drawn from several governmental statistics sources. Over 38 indicators are complemented by a one-time special feature on health literacy. This is the fourth chart book prepared since 2000. Detailed tables are available as excel spreadsheets.

Short URL: http://www.advancingstates.org/node/51888

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Informational Materials for the MBIWD Project - Ohio

In this collection of informational materials, Ohio outlines what its Medicaid Buy-In for Workers with Disabilities (MBIWD) program is. Documents include an explanatory booklet, flyer and fact sheets. A website link with the government site that houses these documents, application forms and additional information is also included. While this material was intended for consumer use, it could serve as a guide to other states contemplating or running a similar MIG program.

Short URL: http://www.advancingstates.org/node/51857

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The Role of the Older Americans Act in Providing Long-Term Care

The Older Americans Act (OAA) gave rise to important HCBS programs such as the Choices for Independence initiative, ADRCs, and Nursing Home Diversion grants. Here is a concise summary of the legislation, its reauthorization in 2006, and data on the types of support provided under these programs, recipients, and expenditures.

Short URL: http://www.advancingstates.org/node/51776

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A Self-Directed Care Model for Mental Health Recovery

Find out about the outcomes of people with serious mental illnesses that participate in Florida's Cash & Counseling program. Self-directed care was effective in lowering costs and time spent in psychiatric inpatient and criminal justice settings. Many program details are provided, such as financing, start up, structure, and evaluation.

Short URL: http://www.advancingstates.org/node/51770


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