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New York Makes Work Pay Fact Sheets – New York

How is New York providing concise information about the details and requirements for their MIG program? Fact sheets are one way New York is providing this information efficiently. Samples of some of these are attached and cover topics such as Earned Income Tax Credit, Building Assets and Local Asset Summits. These could be useful samples to other MIG states.

Short URL: http://www.advancingstates.org/node/52574

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Coverage for Consumers, Savings for States: Options for Modernizing Medicaid

Explore Medicaid expansion under health care reform and savings for states through Medicaid “modernization.” This report examines three broad categories of savings opportunities including the greater use of coordinated care techniques, the greater use of managed care for LTC, and the upgrading of Medicaid’s administrative processes. Find national and state-specific projections of increases in Medicaid enrollees as a result of health reform legislation and of the associated Medicaid costs.

Short URL: http://www.advancingstates.org/node/52572

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Providing Health Benefits and Work-Related Services to SSDI Beneficiaries: Six-Month Results from the Accelerated Benefits Demonstration

Explore preliminary results for this demonstration to test whether earlier access to health care and related services to SSDI beneficiaries would lead to improved health, increased employment and reduced reliance on SSDI benefits. The brief describes the sample selected and the impacts on health care use and unmet medical needs. Findings indicate the intervention increased the use of health care services and reduced the reported unmet health care needs of the participants.

Short URL: http://www.advancingstates.org/node/52571

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Policy to Practice Brief #2 – New York

How are states creating in-depth, understandable descriptions of their MIG programs? New York state created Policy-to-Practice Briefs, filled with information, materials and technical assistance. This series of briefs is designed to reach a wide spectrum of readers, with topics such as self-sufficiency, roles and opportunities for schools and education systems, and SSDI. It's thoughtful approach and design make it a good example for other states looking at structuring this kind of information.

Short URL: http://www.advancingstates.org/node/52569

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Starting Financial Management Services in CLP and VD-HCBS: Strategic Considerations – TA Call Resources

Listen to a recording of a webinar presenting strategies for program administrators to consider as they determine how to provide FMS in their Community Living and Veteran Directed programs. Topics include how to decide on a model of FMS, whether to contract for Financial Management Services, provide them "in-house" at the AAA, or use a hybrid approach. Accompanying tip sheets and documents are included.

Short URL: http://www.advancingstates.org/node/52559

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Veteran Directed Home Services Program - Washington

Looking to develop guidance materials for veterans participating in a VD-HCBS program? Here are samples from Washington’s program, including a handbook with information on meeting program staff, developing a spending plan and working with FMS. Also find a Policy & Procedure Handbook including an overview of the program, desired outcomes, eligibility, referral procedures, forms and protocols for assessment, enrollment and reimbursement.

Short URL: http://www.advancingstates.org/node/52556

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Cross-Payer Effects on Medicare Resource Use: Lessons for Medicaid Administrators

Fourth and final in a series that explores the cross-payer effects of providing Medicaid long-term supports and services on Medicare acute care resource use, this report provides a summary of the initial work of a study, described more fully in the first three reports, with an emphasis on lessons that state Medicaid administrators should consider as they move toward more formal programs of integrated care for persons dually eligible for Medicare and Medicaid.

Short URL: http://www.advancingstates.org/node/52551

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Health Care Reform and the CLASS Act Summary–Issue Brief

What are the major components of the Community Living Assistance Services and Supports (CLASS) program? The program establishes a national, voluntary insurance program for purchasing community living services and supports that is designed to expand options for people who become functionally disabled and require long-term help. Find a description of the program, including its financing, eligibility criteria, benefit design and interaction with Medicaid.

Short URL: http://www.advancingstates.org/node/52547

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How Many SSDI Beneficiaries Leave the Rolls for Work? More Than You Might Think

Statistics for how many people on the Social Security disability rolls return to work published by the SSA each year are based on the behavior of beneficiaries over a short period. Longer-term statistics offer “good news” in that, compared to the short-term statistics, they show more beneficiaries leaving the rolls after finding work. They also show that some beneficiaries who return to work but don’t leave the rolls could become more self sufficient if better work incentives were in place.

Short URL: http://www.advancingstates.org/node/52542

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Sustainable Work Incentive Supports – Indiana

Is Indiana's Work Incentive Planning & Assistance program creating sustainable work incentive supports? The attached presentation outlines how policies and resources implemented by the program have helped create long term sustainability by providing training, technical assistance & quality assurance. A sample of this presentation is attached and could be useful to other MIG states with similar program goals.

Short URL: http://www.advancingstates.org/node/52541


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