Community Inclusion

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Creating An Age-Advanced Community: A Toolkit for Building Intergenerational Communities that Recognize, Engage, and Support All Ages

Generations United has developed a series of tools to help communities develop intergenerational best practices. This publication compiles some of these tools including: planning tips from across the United States, inspiring stories from award winning communities, engagement and development scales to assess programs, self-administered community assessment, and an infographic on why intergenerational solutions are critical to building strong communities.

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The 2020 Federal Youth Transition Plan: A Federal Interagency Strategy

The Federal Partners in Transition, an interagency workgroup, has published a strategy report to ensure that federal programs and resources effectively support American young adults with disabilities in reaching their goals of independence. This report identifies five outcome goals to operate across agency boundaries in an effort to enhance coordination and improve compatible policies among the multiple federal programs that support transitioning youth with disabilities and their families.

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Congressional Letter on HCBS Ruling

This letter from several Congress members from the state of Ohio to the U.S. Department of Health & Human Services expresses concern for the January 10, 2014, rule from CMS that amends regulation of the type of settings in which states can use federal Medicaid funds to pay for home and community based services. The members detail concern that the rule could inhibit the availability of specific residential settings.

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NCI-AD Consumer Survey Pilot Results

This final report shares results from the 2014 pilot of the National Core Indicators-Aging and Disabilities (NCI-AD) Consumer Survey in Georgia, Minnesota, and Ohio. The results are sorted by state and funding source within the state. Since the goal of the pilot was not to compare these states, but instead to test and refine the NCI-AD Consumer Survey, the three states are not identified in the report; they are simply referred to as State 1, State 2, and State 3.

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Community-Based Organizations and MLTSS: An Issue Brief to Assess CBO Readiness

As almost half of the States have implemented MLTSS programs, community-based organizations, will be significantly impacted. At the 2013 HCBS conference, ADvancing States, with support from the SCAN Foundation, held a day-long intensive to discuss these impacts. This report outlines 5 discrete roles that CBOs are well-suited to play in MLTSS programs using as a reference point CMS’ 2013 guidance on MLTSS program design and implementation. To request a hard copy version, email Ali Diaz at

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Pathways to Employment: A National Survey of Adults with Intellectual Disabilities

The employment rate for adults with intellectual disabilities (ID) has remained stable during the recent decades, despite investment from the federal government. This study aimed to identify characteristics of adults with ID who are employed and to understand the paths towards employment for these individuals. Results show several characteristics are associated with greater likelihood of employment, including younger age, early work experience, and higher levels of adaptive behavior.

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