Community Inclusion

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Exploring Effects Of Institutional Characteristics On Saving Outcome: The Case Of The Cash & Counseling Program

This article explores savings outcomes and programmatic factors that may support savings in the Cash & Counseling Demonstration, using a convenience sample of Medicaid and Medicare beneficiaries from three states: Arkansas, Florida, and New Jersey.

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Cash & Counseling – Supporting Independent Living Webinar

ILRU and NCIL, in collaboration with Boston College, presented a 90-minute teleconference and webcast for Centers for Independent Living interested in the national Cash & Counseling program. Participants learned how Center’s consumers can access and spend Medicaid dollars on home and community based personal assistance services. Representatives from the Independent Living movement shared how they are participating in the Cash & Counseling programs in two states.

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Long-Term Care in Balance: The Role of Medicaid Policy in Pennsylvania

The proportion of long-term care spending that goes to institutional care has been dropping over time, from 81 percent in 1995 to 63 percent in 2005. However, there remains significant concern that many people who would prefer to receive care in the community are unable to do so because of what has been termed the ‘institutional bias’ of Medicaid. This report discusses the issues surrounding efforts underway to shift the balance toward HCBS in the state of Pennsylvania.

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AoA Community Living Program: Experiences from Four States

What are some of the highlights and milestones of the CLP programs? Review the presentations given at the The Gerontological Society of America Annual Meeting on November 19-22, 2009. Officials from the Administration on Aging and representatives from Connecticut, Georgia, Massachusetts and New York on presented.

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Collaborating and Coordinating with Employers

The National Technical Assistance and Research Center to Promote Leadership for Increasing the Employment and Economic Independence of Adults with Disabilities has released Collaborating and Coordinating with Employers, a brief that illustrates key research findings, outlines existing strategies and practices that are advancing the concept of disability and business collaboration, and provides resources that further illuminate effective strategies and examples of these collaborations.

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Rebalancing Long-Term Care Systems: State Case Studies-Final Case Studies

As part of Research on Program Management Techniques by States to Rebalance their Long Term Care Systems, Final Case Studies were conducted in each State for the time period ending December 2007. These Case Studies focus particularly on the reflections of State government officials on rebalancing goals, accomplishments, and next steps as they reflect on all the State’s experiences in moving towards more community-based services.

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2010 CLP and ADRC National Meeting- Call for Sessions

Community Living Program and Aging & Disability Resource Center grantees, and Veteran Directed Home and Community Based Services programs, evaluators, researchers, and other stakeholders are welcome to answer this call for proposals. Attendance is invitation only, but interested subject matter expert are encouraged to submit sessions and/or recommend a consumer to attend. Deadline is Dec. 15, 2009, “Changing Systems, Changing Lives” will be Feb. 22-24, 2010 in Alexandria, VA.

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The Real People, Real Jobs Website

This site highlights the employment successes of people with Intellectual Disabilities/Developmental Disabilities (ID/DD) who are working in paid jobs in their communities. The purpose of these stories is to share where people work and how they got there. They are meant to be read by individuals with ID/DD, their families, and employment support professionals. The goal is to increase awareness of the full range of employment opportunities and support options available.

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Job Accommodation Network Website

The Job Accommodation Network represents the most comprehensive resource for job accommodations available. JAN's mission is to facilitate the employment and retention of workers with disabilities. Their website is designed to make this happen. The site categorizes employers, individuals, and others separately and includes an Accommodation Search and Disabilities Glossary. Hot topics, Publications & Resources, What’s New? and a Website Tour also facilitate the users access to this information.

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