Community Inclusion

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The Best and Worst State Practices in Medicaid Long-Term Care

Explore how Medicaid policies have been used in some states to expand the range and availability of services. Third in a series, this brief explains why these policies lead to so much variation in current state Medicaid long-term care programs. It also draws lessons from innovative states to suggest reforms in national Medicaid policies that would make home and community based services accessible to more program participants.

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Live Well At Home Program Rapid Screen©

Review the screening tool and instructions for the The Live Well At Home Program Rapid Screen©, used to identify the risk of older persons for nursing home admission and/or spend down to Medical Assistance. Upon completion of the Rapid Screen© the older person will know their risk category and have a list of up to seven identified evidence-based risk factors. Background information on the project can be obtained through their website.

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National Legal Resource Center (NLRC) Website

Visit this website, launched by the HHS Assistant Secretary for Aging. The Center was created to empower legal and aging services advocates with resources necessary to provide high quality legal help to seniors who are facing threats to their ability to live independently in their homes and communities. Website features include best practices, tools for finding legal service providers, news stories, upcoming events, case consultation, technical assistance and more.

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Work Incentives Network (WIN) - Oregon

How can we dispel myths and create opportunities for the employment of the disabled? Oregon’s Work Incentives Network (WIN) addresses this issue in the attached presentation. Given at the 6th Annual Pacific Northwest Brain Injury Conference, as well as statewide training events for stakeholders, this presentation explains how WIN works, myths that exist about benefits and working and how to access services. While WIN is specific to Oregon, the approaches it takes could be useful to other states.

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Employment and People with Disabilities - Utah

How well are employment agencies and service providers addressing the needs of the disabled community? Funded by the Medicaid Infrastructure Grant, Work Ability Utah has developed a presentation to provide a general overview of disability etiquette and work incentives to these agencies. This presentation could be a helpful example for other states and is provided for download here.

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Work Incentives & Transition Planning for the Blind – Utah

How are work incentives and transition planning practices being approached for the blind community? Utah is training its teachers, at the Utah School for the Blind, to prepare their students for a successful transition and work life, as early as preschool. Funded by the Medicaid Infrastructure Grant, Work Ability Utah has provided their training presentations here, which could be helpful to other states dealing with a specific population or disability.

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ServiceLink Resource Center Materials - New Hampshire

The cornerstone of NH’s systems change efforts has been the development of the statewide SLRC network. Find the state’s RFP seeking vendors to operate centers, job description and standards of practice for long term support counselor, a guide produced to help consumers learn about eligibility, and resources from NH’s Choices for Independence Program.

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The United We Ride National Dialogue Final Report

What ideas can improve access to affordable and reliable transportation for people with disabilities, older adults, and people with limited incomes? In 2009 more than 3,500 stakeholders from 50 U.S. states and DC who participated in the United We Ride National Dialogue were asked this question. See this report which includes a summary and analysis of the recommendations that emerged.

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