Community Inclusion

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Quality Monitoring Program Website - Texas

The Texas Department of Aging and Disability Quality Monitoring Program for home and community-based services providers serves as a resource for these service providers. DADS Quality Assurance and Improvement (QAI) unit has implemented a Quality Monitoring Program in Home and Community Based Services Provider facilities. The purpose of is to increase positive outcomes and to improve the quality of services.

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Understanding Medicaid Home and Community Services: A Primer, 2010 Edition

This Primer has been updated to include all relevant statutory, regulatory and other policy changes that have occurred in the last 10 years in Medicaid home and community services. Given the significance of recent changes, this Primer will be an even more useful tool for all those working to ensure that people with disabilities can live in the most integrated settings appropriate to their needs.

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Navigating Choice and Change in Later Life: Frameworks for Facilitating Person-Centered Planning

Individuals who are aging or living with chronic illness or disability, along with their families, face multiple challenges in defining and creating a network of supports. There is no easy path to figuring out how to support loved ones or how to navigate a maze of medical & community supports. This manual provides a set of tools to help professionals and families navigate complex issues. An 11"x 17" fold out Drexler/Sibbet Team Performance Model® adapted to person-centered planning is included.

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The effects of community vs. institutional living on the daily living skills of persons with developmental disabilities

A review of 36 studies of outcomes for nearly 5,000 people with intellectual & developmental disabilities moving from large institutions to community living arrangements found high consistency in positive change in daily living skills. Studies specifically addressing social skill development, language & communication skills development, self-care & domestic skill development & community living skill development also showed positive outcomes associated with leaving large institutions.

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Project SEARCH Start Up Information - New Hampshire

Serving as a single point of entry, the Project SEARCH program provides a comprehensive approach to employment, retention, and career advancement for individuals with disabilities transitioning from high school. New Hampshires' goal is to begin training the first Project SEARCH group of 12 student interns for the full school year starting in September 2011 and graduating that group in June 2012.

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Center for Excellence in Assisted Living Clearinghouse

In one stop, use this national resource to find important information regarding assisted living. Resources include research findings and outcomes, exemplary assisted living practices, measures, and public policies and programs, consumer materials, links to relevant websites, international documents and abstracts, media articles, training and education materials, expert opinion pieces, and more.

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Community Living Initiative Stakeholder Dialogues Summary Report

The Community Living Initiative is an effort to give people with disabilities and older adults greater opportunities to live in their communities and achieve their goals. The U.S. Department of Health and Human Services identified several issues and challenges in the development and refinement of new strategies to support and promote community living. HHS held four Listening Sessions around the country with state & local officials, consumers, service providers, and advocates.

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Behavioral Outcomes of Deinstitutionalization for People with Intellectual and/or Developmental Disabilities: Third Decennial Review of U.S. Studies, 1977-2010

This policy brief is the third in a series reviewing U.S. studies that measured behavioral outcomes associated with the movement of people with intellectual and/or developmental disabilities from institutions to community residential settings. Read this brief to learn more about the trends in deinstitutionalizing across states over the past three decades and find updates on earlier reviews as it relates to adaptive behavior.

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The New Health Care Law and the CLASS Program- Video

A vast majority of Americans age 50 and over would prefer to live independently in their own homes and communities as long as they can, rather than relinquish control over their lives in a nursing facility. In this brief video, AARP provides an overview of the Community Living Assistance Services and Supports (CLASS) program, i.e., how it works, what it covers and how it can be beneficial.

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