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A Closer Look at Sandwich Generation Caregivers of Medicare Beneficiaries

AARP recently released a report using qualitative and quantitative data to depict sandwich generation caregivers who are caring for Medicare beneficiaries. The combined dynamics of Americans delaying having children and younger generations taking on caregiving for older adults are leading to a new picture of what it means to be sandwiched between two generations who need daily care. Early research has shown the negative impact the compounded responsibility of caring for an older adult while still caring for young children can have on caregivers’ physical health, well-being, and financial welfare....

Short URL: http://www.advancingstates.org/node/75195

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Case Study: AgeSpan and Partners Bring Housing and Services Together

As an Area Agency on Aging (AAA), AgeSpan engages in innovative partnerships with housing providers through the Massachusetts Supportive Housing Program. In northeastern Massachusetts, AgeSpan pursues solutions that bring together housing and supportive services. Why? Many older adults and people with disabilities not only need afordable and accessible housing, but also supportive services that enable them to be as independent as possible. Assistance with nutrition, transportation, personal care, medication management, and chore services are just a few examples of these critical services.

Short URL: http://www.advancingstates.org/node/74120

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