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Analysis of State Efforts to Comply with Fair Labor Standards Act Protections to Home Care Workers

This report looks at the changes states implemented to their Medicaid or other publicly-funded consumer directed home care programs in order to comply with the 2013 FLSA Home Care Rule. The report includes perspectives from various stakeholders and describes issues raised in interviews. It provides an overview of early implementation efforts, an environmental scan of state policies and procedures, and a case study examination of states with well-documented hardship exceptions.

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Essentials of Critical Incident Management Webinar

States operating Medicaid waiver programs are required to safeguard consumers against critical incidents such as abuse, neglect, exploitation, and unexplained death. Yet there is no federally defined term for “critical incident.” This webinar explores what constitutes a critical incident, and the steps your agency should take to protect your citizens from harm and your state from liability.

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NASBO 2019 State Expenditure Report

This updated annual report examines spending in the functional areas of state budgets and includes fiscal 2017-2019 data. The report looks at spending in the areas of elementary and secondary education, higher education, public assistance, Medicaid, corrections, transportation, and all other. It includes state-by-state breakdowns, highlights data on capital expenditures by program area, and reviews revenue sources.

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The Value of Pursuing Medicare-Medicaid Integration for Medicaid Agencies

This report is the fourth in a series of publications from the MLTSS Institute, which was established in 2016 to drive improvements in key MLTSS policy areas, facilitate sharing and learning among states, and provide direct and intensive technical assistance to states and health plans. This issue brief focuses on delivering effective care to individuals eligible for both Medicare and Medicaid and aims to lay out the case for state Medicaid agencies to invest in integrated care programs.

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Valuing the Invaluable: 2019 Update Charting a Path Forward

The latest report in the AARP Public Policy Institute’s Valuing the Invaluable series estimates the economic value of unpaid family caregiving at $470 billion in 2017. The report also explores family caregiving trends, highlights federal and state policy changes since the release of the previous Valuing the Invaluable report in 2015, and offers further policy recommendations to enhance the well-being of caregiving families.

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Enticing Dually Eligible Beneficiaries to Enroll in Integrated Care Plans

The Financial Alignment Initiative (FAI) is intended to improve the quality of care and reduce spending for low-income people who are dually eligible. Mathematica researchers conducted a study to identify reasons for the varying participation rates across states. This brief explores the details of two major factors: passive enrollment and demonstration/MLTSS alignment.

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