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Hoarding Disorder (HD) - Request for Information

The Senate Special Committee on Aging recently released a request for information (RFI) seeking input from stakeholders relating to the impact of hoarding disorder (HD) on older adults. Hoarding disorder (HD) is a chronic and progressive condition that leads people to accumulate more objects than their homes can accommodate. HD impacts people of all ages. However, the prevalence of hoarding appears to be significantly greater for older adults (roughly 6.2%) compared to younger adults (roughly 2%). The Senate Special Committee on Aging is charged with studying “any and all matters pertaining to problems and opportunities of older people,” including problems related to health, housing, care, and assistance...

Short URL: http://www.advancingstates.org/node/75630

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Frequently Asked Questions: Hoarding Disorders and Older Adults

This resource is a follow up to NCLER's Legal Basics Training on Self-Neglect and Hoarding Disorders. It includes the presenters' answers to common questions from the webcast. The sheet covers information including what differentiates hoarding from clutter or collecting, how to identify and screen for hoarding, and what steps and treatment should be utilized in a hoarding case. This FAQ sheet also includes a list of additional resources on hoarding.

Short URL: http://www.advancingstates.org/node/71858

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