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Emerging Innovations in Managed Long-Term Services and Supports for Family Caregivers

This paper provides direct insights from managed care leaders about family caregiver supports and provides examples of how progressive managed care plans are supporting family caregivers who are caring for plan members with LTSS needs. The paper discusses how it is important to understand and address family caregivers’ roles and their needs in order to have a high-performing LTSS system, because the family provides the lion’s share of LTSS to people who need help.

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Family Caregivers and Managed Long- Term Services and Supports

This is the first major research paper in this emerging field of managed long-term services and supports (LTSS) that addresses family caregivers’ needs. Family caregivers of people with self-care needs often make it possible for the members of managed care plans to live at home rather than in institutions. Managed care plans, therefore, have strong financial incentives to support these family caregivers, thus improving quality of life and reducing the overall cost of care.

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Advocacy Starts at Home: Strengthening Supports for Low-Income Older Adults and Family Caregivers

Justice in Aging, with the support of the Albert and Elaine Borchard Center on Law and Aging, released a new paper, Advocacy Starts at Home: Strengthening Low-Income Older Adults and Caregivers. The paper's structure introduces Margaret and her story of being a family caregiver, discusses the problems as a result of the strain of poverty on low-income family caregivers and then offers solutions to help support older adults and their caregivers.

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Caregiving in the U.S. 2015

This study provides insights into higher-hour caregivers (at least 21 hours of care a week), caregivers ages 75 and older, multicultural caregivers, and the challenges facing caregivers in the workplace. While the “typical” family caregiver is a 49-year-old woman who cares for a relative, caregivers on the whole are becoming much more diverse. The study found nearly a quarter of America’s caregivers are millennials between the ages of 18 and 34 and are equally likely to be male or female.

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