Affordable Care Act

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How Did State-Run Health Insurance Marketplaces Fare in 2017?

This brief analyzes fifteen structured interviews conducted with leadership staff in states using state-based health insurance marketplaces. It explores the different actions these states may utilize to stabilize the marketplace and reduce consumer confusion in the face of uncertainty regarding federal policies.

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The Duals Demonstration: A First Glimpse at Lessons Learned

Justice in Aging published an issue brief that offers an analysis of the findings from the evaluation of the Financial Alignment Initiative (FAI), commonly known as the dual eligible demonstration. Research Triangle Institute was contracted by the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) to conduct this evaluation, which focused on the first six months of operation of the demonstration in each of the seven states where it was rolled out.

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The Impact of the Affordable Care Act: A 2015 Status Report

The National Council on Disability (NCD) released a new report on implementation of the Affordable Care Act (ACA) and disabilities. This is the second of three reports on the subject. This report includes a review of the literature that studies the impact of ACA implementation on people with disabilities, qualitative interviews with key informants from ten states, an analysis of the ACA implementation choices seen in many states, and recommendations for future research on this topic.

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Implementing the Affordable Care Act: A Roadmap for People with Disabilities

The National Council on Disability released a new report on implementation of the Affordable Care Act (ACA) and disabilities. This is the first of three reports on the subject. While the Affordable Care Act is a significant piece of legislation, people with disabilities were largely left outside of the policy conversation. This report is meant to serve as a "roadmap" for people with disabilities and how it will affect them depending on how it is implemented.

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Medical Loss Ratio Report

The Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) published a new report that shows the premium rebate record since 2011. The Affordable Care Act requires that health insurance companies spend a minimum of 80% of premium dollars on health care, resulting in $2.4 billion in consumer rebates since 2011. CMS' results indicate that consumers are receiving a higher value for their premium dollars as a result of the Medical Loss Ratio (MLR), 80/20 rule.

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Medicaid Enrollment & Spending Growth: FY 2015 & 2016

The Kaiser Commission on Medicaid and the Uninsured released a report that provides an overview of Medicaid enrollment and spending during state Fiscal Years (FY) 2015 and 2016. The results were gathered from interviews with state Medicaid directors as part of the 15th annual survey of Medicaid directors. Enrollment and spending significantly increased in Fiscal Year 2015, which was the first full year that the Affordable Care Act expansions were implemented.

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The Role of State Medicaid Directors: A Leadership Imperative

The Milbank Memorial Fund released a new study, the Role of State Medicaid Directors: A Leadership Imperative. This study was authored by Andy Allison, a former Kansas and Arkansas Medicaid Director. The study focuses on the current climate of Medicaid policy, organizations and leadership. There is a specific focus on how the administration is structured for Medicaid in the states and the adequacy of state investments in the role and compensation of these leaders.

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