Comparison of VR Outcomes for Clients with Mental Illness across System Indicators |
Medicaid and Long-Term Care: New York Compared to 18 Other States |
Transitioning Medicaid Enrollees from Institutions to the Community: Number of People Eligible and Number of Transitions Targeted Under MFP |
Implementing Self-Direction Programs with Flexible Individual Budgets: Lessons Learned from the Cash & Counseling Replication States |
Emerging Strategies for Providing Health Coverage to the Frontline Workforce in Long Term Care |
Taking the Long View: Investing in Medicaid Home and Community-Based Services Is Cost-Effective |
Administration on Aging & Veterans Health Administration: Partnerships and Opportunities Meeting |
American Recovery and Reinvestment Act (ARRA): Medicaid and Health Care Provisions |
Across the States 2009: Profiles of Long-Term Care and Independent Living |
Innovative Models and Best Practices in Case Management and Support Coordination |