ADvancing States has submitted comments regarding redesigning the National Longitudinal Survey of Older Americans Act Participants (NLSOAAP). The Administration for Community Living (ACL) is currently in the process of redesigning the National Survey of Older Americans Act Participants (NSOAAP), which is an important tool that is used by states for a variety of purposes. ADvancing States commends ACL’s efforts on redesigning the NSOAPP that will allow for better reporting, establishing national benchmarks, and program improvement.
We were pleased with the inclusion of two items in the new proposed changes that were recommended in ADvancing States’s comments to the previous notice published in the Federal Register in May 2017. Specifically, ADvancing States was pleased to see the following proposed changes:
• Increasing the survey sample size. This change will allow for improved confidence rates and to provide more useful information that can be stratified by state.
• Continuing to refine and test questions on sexual orientation. ADvancing States is pleased to see that ACL will continue to work on and refine the inclusion of questions regarding sexual orientation.
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