Provider Events
MCE/HCBS Provider Roundtable Session Slides
Please click on the links below to access slides and recordings of previous provider trainings.
Sessions include information about managed care basics, contracting, claims payment, care management, and quality.
LTSS Provider Training Materials
- Download the syllabus
- Indiana Managed LTSS 101 Materials (4/19/2022)
- 11/9/22: Assisted Living Provider Education Presentation
Managed Care Webinars
9/28/22: A Look into the Future: Managed Long-Term Services and Supports
10/12/22: Managed Care 101
10/19/22: MLTSS Contracting
10/26/22: MLTSS Implementation: Provider Success Stories
11/9/22: Claims Payment
11/16/22: Care Management and Service Coordination
11/30/22: Quality and Managed Care Oversight