Past Updates
Governor Accepts Recommendations for Improving LTSS System
On January 8, 2015, outgoing Governor Tom Corbett accepted the Pennsylvania Long-Term Care Commission’s December 2014 Final Report. The report establishes a foundation for strengthening the state’s LTSS system, recommending strategies for improving care coordination; service delivery; quality outcomes; and fiscal sustainability. Included in the report is a recommendation for the state to develop and implement a LTSS coordinated integrated demonstration program to pilot service delivery and financing models that provide coordinated, integrated, person-centered physical health, mental health, substance abuse, and LTSS services. (Source: State DHS LTSS website; PR Newswire, 1/8/2015)
Pennsylvania LTC Commission Final Report (December 2014)
Managed LTSS Program
Since 2009, Pennsylvania has provided Adult Community Autism Program to adults of age 21 or higher with diagnosis of Autism Spectrum Disorder under the authority of Medicaid §1915(a). Services included in the capitation rate are primary, behavioral, dental, ICF/MR, targeted case management, adult day, and occupational therapy/physical therapy/speech therapy (OT/PT/ST). The program is operating in four (out of 67) counties and enrollment is voluntary. (Source: CMS and Truven Health Analytics, The Growth of Managed Long-Term Services and Supports (MLTSS) Programs: A 2012 Update, July 2012) Program Website
On August 28, 2014, Pennsylvania became the 27th state to expand its Medicaid program under the Affordable Care Act. The state and CMS agreed to the “Healthy Pennsylvania’ program – which will provide coverage to uninsured adults earning below 133 percent of the federal poverty line, or about $15,500. Coverage will begin in January 2015 and will be offered by private health plans. The state has authority to begin collecting premiums in year two of the waiver. However, adults will be able to receive premium discounts for healthy behaviors; these healthy behaviors have yet to be defined under the waiver. In conjunction with expanding Medicaid, the state plans to reform its existing Medicaid program by moving to a low-risk or high-risk benefit package, with “risk” referring to enrollee health status. (Source:; CSNBC Healthcare)
On June 1, 2015, Pennsylvania DHS and Pennsylvania DOA released a joint MLTSS Discussion Document detailing the state’s plan to move into MLTSS over a 3-year period. The proposed initiative aims to promote better access to care and improve service coordination, enabling more individuals to remain in their homes. The initiative will impact an estimated 130,000 Pennsylvania residents. Initial public comments are due by July 15, 2015. (Source: State DHS website, 6/1/2015)
MLTSS Discussion Document (6/2015)
On July 22, 2015, the PR Newswire reported on new steps that the Pennsylvania Departments of Human Services (DHS) and Aging (PDA) are taking to implement Governor Wolf’s Managed Long-Term Services and Supports (MLTSS) plan. Following substantial feedback and commentary regarding the plan, DHS and PDA will now: double the number of staff assigned to the Nursing Home Transition (NHT); establish an advisory committee with at least half the representatives being caregivers and beneficiaries that will also conduct monthly webinars; and restructure contracts to give participants in the program greater choice. (Source: PR Newswire, link no longer available 7/22/2015; Discussion Document)
On September 16, 2015, the Pennsylvania Departments of Human Services (DHS) and Aging (PDA) disseminated a new concept paper on the state’s transition to managed long-term services and supports (MLTSS), and is seeking stakeholder feedback. The new paper was developed using public input and addresses the Community HealthChoices program, which looks to provide long-term services and supports for up to 450,000 enrollees, including dual eligibles. Public comments on the paper were due by October 16, 2015. PR Newswire 9/16/2015; Concept paper)
Pennsylvania’s Department of Health Services (DHS) released a draft request for proposals (RFP) for the state’s MLTSS program, Community HealthChoices (CHC), on November 16, 2015. Comments were due December 11, 2015. On December 14, DHS released a draft MLTSS contract, with comments due January 8, 2016. DHS is expected to release the final RFP for CHC in January 2016. Pennsylvania will operate MLTSS under the joint authority of 1915(b) and 1915(c) waivers, approval of which is required by CMS. The program will operate in five geographic areas—Northwest, Southwest, Northeast, Lehigh/Capital, and Southeast. CHC-MCOs are expected to provide services to all of the counties in the geographic zone they are selected to operate in. (Source: Draft RFP 11/16/2015)
On March 1, 2016, the Pennsylvania Department of Human Services released a Request for Proposals (RFP) for managed care organizations (MCOs) to provide managed long term services and supports (MLTSS) through the state's Community Healthchoices (CHC) program. CHC will cover individuals 21 and older that require medical assistance (MA) and LTSS, whether they reside in a nursing facility or in the community, as well as dual eligible individuals who are are jointly eligible for Medicare and Medicaid. Operation fo the program will split the state's 67 counties into five regions or zones--Southwest, Southeast, Lehigh/Capital, Northwest, and Northeast. The goals of the CHC are to:
- Increase opportunity for home and community-based services;
- Enhance health and LTSS delivery systems;
- Promote new innovations;
- Strengthen the health, safety, and well-being of beneficiaries; and
- Ensure transparency, accountability, and effectiveness of the program.
Responses to the RFP are due May 2, 2016. (Source: RFP 3/1/2016)
On March 16, 2016, Pennsylvania held a pre-proposal conference for its procurement of the Community HealthChoices program that will use managed care organizations to manage physical and LTSS services for eligible Medicaid beneficiaries. The potential bidders present were: United; Gateway Health; Molina; Health Partners; WellCare; AmeriHealth Caritas; Aetna; Magellan; UPMC; Atelier Health; Geisinger; and Accenda Health. The Pennsylvania Department of Human Services released a Q&A following the conference, as well as Addendum #5 and a revised draft agreement. (Source: : HMA Roundup 3/16/2016; PA E Marketplace 4/12/2016)
On April 23, 2016, the Pennsylvania Department of Human Services (DHS) released draft Community HealthChoices (CHC) Section 1915(b) Managed Care and 1915(c) Home and Community-based Waivers for public comment. Pennsylvania intends to operate CHC, the state’s MLTSS program, concurrently under 1915(b) and 1915(c) waivers, which will allow delivery of HCBS services, and mandatory managed care enrollment. The comment period was open through May 23, 2016. (Source: PA DHS 4/28/2016)
On May 6, 2016, the Pennsylvania DHS announced that 14 MCOs have responded to the request for proposal (RFP) to implement the states Community Health Choices (CHC) program, which will manage physical health and LTSS for older adults, individuals with physical disabilities, and those jointly eligible for Medicare and Medicaid. DHS estimates that 420,000 individuals will be served by the program. The list of MCOs that submitted responses are as follows:
- Accenda;
- Aetna;
- AmeriHealth Caritas;
- Cedar Woods Care Management;
- Cigna-Health;
- Cateway Health Plan;
- Geisinger Health Plan;
- Health Partners Plus;
- Molina Healthcare;
- PA Health & Wellness;
- Trusted Health Plan;
- United Healthcare;
- UPMC for You; and
- WellCare. (Source: PA DHS 5/6/2016)
The Pennsylvania Departments of Human Services and Aging recently announced that the first phase of implementation of Community HealthChoices, the state’s MLTSS program, will be pushed back from January 1, 2017, to July 1, 2017. The rest of the implementation timeline remains as is at this time. (Source: PA DHS, link no longer available 7/5/2016; HMA Weekly Roundup 6/15/2016)
On August 30, 2016, Pennsylvania Department of Human Services (DHS) announced the three MCOs selected by the state to manage the state’s MLTSS program, Community HealthChoices: AmeriHealth Caritas, Centene Corp., and UPMC for You. The three MCOs will be responsible for managing and integrating care for 420,000 Pennsylvanians. ( 8/30/2016) Pennsylvania’s Office of Long Term Living (OLTL) has received six protests from losing bidders in the Community HealthChoices procurement including Aetna (later withdrawn), United, WellCare, Gateway, Molina, and Geisinger. Negotiations between the state and the winning bidders have been placed on hold due to the protests, which may delay the start of the program that is set to launch July 1, 2017. (Source: 9/19/2016 HMA Weekly Roundup 10/5/2016) |
On October 28, 2016, the Pennsylvania Department of Human Services (DHS) released a draft request for proposal (RFP) for public comment in order to solicit interest in a new Independent Enrollment Broker (IEB) Program. The IEB Program aims to provide choice counseling and assistance with eligibility and enrollment for individuals seeking LTSS services, and will cover the following programs: Pennsylvania’s existing HCBS waiver programs, the Living Independently for the Elderly (LIFE) program (which is the name of Pennsylvania’s PACE program), and Community HealthChoices (CHC). Bidders are able to submit proposals for any combination of three geographic “Lots”, which coincide with the phases of CHC implementation. DHS will be accepting comments through November 21, 2016. (Source: 10/28/2016)
The Pennsylvania Department of Human Services (DHS) posted comment themes and state responses for feedback received on the proposed evaluation plan for Community HealthChoices (CHC), the state’s MLTSS program, which will be a multi-year effort in collaboration with the University of Pittsburgh. The evaluation will provide an independent assessment of the program over time, and will analyze administrative information, enrollment, utilization and cost data from both Medicaid and Medicare. (Source: 11/2016) On December 15, DHS announced a six-month delay in implementing CHC. The state cited ongoing bid protests and its impact on MCO payment, network development, readiness assessment and beneficiary education as the reason for the delay. Implementation of CHC will now occur as follows: