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Working Together to Achieve Economic Security in Later Life

The RRF Foundation for Aging recently released an issue brief, “Working Together to Achieve Economic Security in Later Life”, which is a first in a series of briefs highlight the foundation’s approach to grantmaking. The brief focuses on the innovative ways for older adults to achieve financial well-being and also as an invitation to others to partner with the foundation on these and other critical issues. The issue brief and social media sharing toolkit are linked to this page.

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Report and Recommendations: Fighting Elder Financial Exploitation through Community Networks

The Consumer Financial Protection Bureau released a report about how to fight elder financial exploitation by using community networks. CFPB also offered specific recommendations as to existing networks and stakeholders to assist in the fight against exploitation.

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Initial Recommendations to Improve the Financing of Long-Term Care

The Bipartisan Policy Center (BPC), with funding from the SCAN Foundation, published a report offering recommendations to improve the financing of long-term care. The BPC published another report in April 2014 that examined the challenges in financing and delivery. This report is a follow up of those findings that offers recommendations to improve these issues.

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The United States of Aging Survey 2015

The National Area Agencies on Aging (n4a), the National Council on Aging (NCOA), and UnitedHealthcare released a survey that collected data through telephone interviews from 1,650 older adults and influencers on aging.The survey posed opinion based questions about the process of aging. The results reflect that 86 percent of respondents felt prepared for aging; however, 40 percent were most concerned about maintaining physical health and over 30 percent worried about mental health and memory.

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Long Term Care in America: Americans' Outlook and Planning for Future Care

The Associated Press-NORC Center for Public Affairs Research conducted a study to examine the policy issue of long term care and its financing. This research investigated the awareness, attitudes, and understanding of long term care by Americans over the age of 40 through three different studies. The studies have explored diverse issues surrounding long term care like the caregiving experience, person-centered care experiences, and opinions on long term care policy.

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