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Doin’ the Diversion Dance from Rehab to Community: One Center’s Approach to Early Intervention in Rehab Facilities

This on-demand training addresses nursing home diversion by reaching out to individuals new to their disabilities while they’re still in rehab facilities in the Phoenix area. Presenters shared how they built and funded the program, how it worked, and real-world examples and success stories from the program.

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Community Integration: A Holistic Approach to the New Core Services for Transition & Diversion

This training addressed the new core services for centers for independent living as a natural extension of the Independent Living philosophy. Assisting people to move out of institutions – or staying out of them in the first place – is some of the most important and impactful work that CILs do. The CIL-NET organized this interactive workshop in Atlanta to help figure it all out together – as a community. The presenters provided a great deal of information and real-world guidance.

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