Quality Assurance and Quality Improvement in Home and Community Based Services


Grant Information

Name of Grantee

Division of Developmental Disabilities Services (DDDS)

Title of Grant

Consumer Centered Quality Assurance and Quality Improvement in Home and Community Based Services Protocol

Type of Grant

Quality Assurance and Quality Improvement in Home and Community Based Services

Amount of Grant


Year Original Funding Received


Contact Information

Joseph B. Keyes
Director, Professional Services
Woodbrook Professional Center
1056 S. Governor's Avenue, Suite 101
Dover, DE 19904


June Rowe
Human Services Research Institute
Cambridge, MA

Project consultant for information technology (IT) development phase still to be chosen.

Target Population(s)

Consumers with developmental disabilities.


  • Assess current quality management functions for waiver and nonwaiver home and community based services (HCBS), including strengths and weaknesses, desired outcomes, gaps across the HCBS Quality Framework, and consumer satisfaction and quality indicators.
  • Develop a strategic plan based on assessment findings that outlines specific objectives to formulate the Division's quality assurance/quality improvement (QA/QI) system program consistent with the HCBS Quality Framework focus areas and desired outcomes.
  • Implement the QA/QI HCBS system after conducting a pilot test that can be evaluated for effectiveness and efficiency, usefulness in measuring desired outcomes, and timeliness.


  • Assess status of policies, practices, and documentation/data by collecting data through the National Core Indicators Project (ongoing) and Consumer Experience Survey (mental retardation and development disabilities [MR/DD] version).
  • Establish/revise policies, practices, and documentation/data systems to address weaknesses or gaps identified by the assessment.
  • Establish an ongoing protocol for assessing individual satisfaction and outcomes, based on the Consumer Experience Survey and National Core Indicators Project Survey.
  • Establish and/or revise QA/QI management monitoring functions for gathering real-time information/data on outcomes and client satisfaction/outcomes areas.
  • Develop QA/QI data management computer systems and interfacing databases to identify problems in risk management/indicator data plus service provider performance measures.
  • Establish a reporting and remediation system where remediation and improvement plans are implemented, monitored, and tracked.
  • Establish an interactive consumer feedback system to provide periodic feedback to the Division and service providers on satisfaction and service delivery problems.
  • Conduct and evaluate a pilot of the QA/QI HCBS system with a representative group of individuals and service providers.
  • Develop a plan for expanding the QA/QI HCBS management functions to all home and community based services.


Building on DDDS participation in the National Core Indicators Project and in the Re-inventing Quality Conferences, a 3-year plan for developing a consumer-centered QA/QI system for HCBS has been developed. A Consumer/Stakeholder Task Force will be formed to direct the project, which uses the HCBS Quality Framework (National Quality Inventory Project) and the Consumer Experiences Survey (MR/DD version) to structure the changes to the Division's QA/QI system.

The project has three phases: (1) assess quality management functions in the current QA/QI HCBS system, (2) develop a QA/QI HCBS strategic plan around the HCBS Quality Framework focus areas and desired outcomes, and (3) implement the new QA/QI HCBS system. The activities of this project will lead to a fundamental alteration in the Division's QA/QI HCBS system, which will be person centered around the seven focus areas and related desired outcomes of the HCBS Quality Framework.